Friday, April 29, 2011

How Badis Bladder Cancer


[ Song Week: Oliver Cheatham - Get Down Saturday Night (1983)>> Michael Gray - The Weekend (2004)]

Milk chocolate contains cocoa and milk. Cocoa contains magnesium. Milk - Calcium. Archaidowe nuts (such as store clerk says the GS in the middle of Europe - Suchowola) - fat, apparently equal to those of this oil. Submitting all in one product get peanuts in chocolate. This fueled delicacy, purchased in 150 gramowym package in the well-known retail chains, has fulfilled the role of cement wagons disconnected from episode 020_Wiosna_na_sieci.dpp ...
function is not continuous at this point. But OLAC mathematics. There are seven days a week, and for years (like in the song Mr. Oliver) as a day of events, trying to shake us up on Saturday. Kind of logical. The more that once on Saturdays, too, were "working." With that in this era of mass higher education at the level of the food provided for the return to their homes and student life center of gravity moved forward to Thursday. What about the rest of the week? There are dances every day in hours from 1917 to 1923 (standard school discos), but to get there you need to enjoy the magic nuts.
Simply increasing sunlight prompts reflection. Workdays are on the job. By definition. So bluntly now turn to the title trójproporcji in which there is the proportion of each component, but it is a statement analyzing the future historians of science will have to bend over the bite (no, no, it's unless orthodontists ... know what's going ... I hope so). Here it is (trójproporcja, beware, it is a bit krzywozwierciadlana):
  • 80/20 Pareto Principle - in our lives at every step there is a strong statistical focus. And as one step in a very bizarre form of 20% generates 80% of the causes of effects. In ecosystems employee, this may mean that 20% of workers 80% of the work. And let no one think that the exemption of these 80% do the trick! The proportion will be, but at a lower scale, so it will be worse. Some people need each other. Just beyond this is what I came up with Pareto money involved, in other cases statistical concentration is less brutal.
  • 70-20-10 - learned from the apprenticeship matters to the profession argue that 70% of the knowledge we acquire in the course of performing their tasks, 20% for watching the activities of others, and only 10% of the theoretical training. I wonder just why in the excrement of the bath catching the first part of my 100% absorbed. Proponents of comics with Wally Dilbercie distribution percentage shown in the work of our time probably interpreted this way: 70% are not doing anything productive, 20% is spent in meetings, and only 10% complete particulars. Maybe something in it?
  • 8-8-8 - add up to 24 hours that make up the day. Even once I presented this division. It is about 8 hours for work, 8 hours to develop their interests (horses, even if it is not riding), and 8 hours for sleep (the outside work;)). From the autopsy, I know that during the polar day, certain things in this statement rozmyślnikowanym hours may change. Oh, like this: 8-13-3.
That's lunar calendar dismembered us (even students even more) classes. Not everyone seems aware of this. Hardly explained to a colleague PRC movable Easter, and already had to withdraw due to a further meeting with the anniversary of the Constitution of the Third of May ...

[Part 1 song the week]
classic post-disco. Sampled and used repeatedly. The distinctive climate. Probably not even been used in some commercial chips. I always thought that at some point Mr Oliver sings there something aerobic (left dance, dance to the right, not to mention the "Holy Roman Emperor is calling: P) but before the time finally, after years of investigation, the catch:" In New York , in Detroit, even in LA. " This means that on the west coast not heard of such a muse?
[Weekly song part 2 ]
Originally, it was this song supposed to be featured in the pages of the section 021, but since it is consistent with Mr. Oliver is a song I had to put them together. This situation has already occurred - in the 014th episode So I used a similar notation. Why just the Weekend? :) Well, that's why.

Today's episode sponsored:
  • Short ciążek (1,5,3,5,11,11) - ie the date of public holidays off work. Few of them, but for that which the concentration at the beginning of May:)
  • Wieloanakonda rosette:
  • wieloanakonda mutant rosette:

City Gardens, the April start of May

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fun Facts Abouttriple X Syndrome

... trip to the clinic

Tomorrow oncology clinic visit. We start at dawn to check in at registration at 7.30. It will be close, so we prefer to be admitted as one of the first. Then the obligatory morphology and waiting for the doctors - they accept from the ninth.
Tomorrow is likely to be presented to us a calendar control tests Igor. Now we have to do them in cycles of three months. We hope that all the results are good and quiet, happy we will go safely to our desired and awaited holiday to the seaside Jarosławiec.
Igor ran today with my colleagues on the pitch the ball to be mandatory. A few days ago he had laryngitis and he took an antibiotic. Do not go to kindergarten. Yesterday he took the last dose. It's all good, so after a long weekend Provides moves with a vengeance to their pre-obligations. I play with my friends.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do Women Like Breastfeed Husbands

... holidays, public holidays and after

Igor with Gosia

It was a wonderful holiday. Spent with family, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps most importantly, spent together by our family. Finally we had some time to yourself. Igor behaved like a real terrorist requiring all future visitors to sacrifice him 100% attention. There were those who were able to resist, so he had paradise.
As the first, even before Christmas came to us Goshia Kern, which has traditionally accompanied every step of the 1000 smiles. Of course, we are abandoning gifts and everyone got something, what made him great joy. For Monica were cosmetics, Janoszka logical for a toy for me, raw ham and a few packages for Igor organic food straight from Freiburg. Naturally we were delighted. Most of how much Gosia was anxious that to make us fun. We also visited
godmother Janoszka - Barry with his son Dawidkiem, which is a favorite companion Igor. She was also godmother Igor - Camilla, with her "Man" Pillows and mother, our favorite aunt Ela. She was, of course, Johnny's grandmother.
The star of the culinary art "did" Monica. Since we're already three weeks diet (we have time to deal with some of you) in my wife woke up talent, which I would never have happened when it did not expect. Spent most of his time in the kitchen, pichcąc various dishes, pies, shortcake, cakes and other delicacies, all of which were in line with the diet, Dr. Pierre Thread. Regret, that you can not try everything, because although these specialties are based at best on the bran, and corn starch are authentic delicacies. Even such a food lover like me, thanks to doing what my wife is able to dieters stand with dignity. Igor Janoszek
and are still radiant and smiling. Live issues that are natural to their age and we will be happy to help them with this difficult reality of what surrounds them, to endure. In the end, it is not easy to have five or ten years in the modern world. You have to deal with different challenges and completely irrational expectations of parents. Ot, for example, recently Janoszek Permanently lying. And it is for us, on the one hand it is obviously a problem, but the other reason for great joy. Children with the disorder autistic, who know how to lie, are rare. Assessing ways to "combine" our baby, we estimate that it is getting better. Paranoid, doing our child, may shed a bit specific, but still honey, our hearts:). Igor also lie, but just in this "phenomenon" has nothing nadzwyczjnego:). Play Station One-day separation from the TV special had changed their attitude to life in harmony with the truth. It is not good, because I'm running a motivational tool ...:)
this week awaits us in Prokocim inspection visit and shortly after a visit with a specialist from Janoszkiem autism and its derivatives. It will be good and getting better. Yours poświątecznie.
A small portion of our Christmas, "Dialogues on four legs," you can see below.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pain In The Groin & Ectopic Pregnancy?

020_Wiosna_na _sieci.dpp

[ song Week: Dr. Alban - Sing Hallelujah (1993)]

flowers all around. Blooms, the author of this essay. Some slang words for this book the importance of the negative - too long to wait for someone or something. We fix, however, that it is itself a positive development: development. Which parts of the river is more suitable for development, or rushing mountain stream meandering lowland river? This is the second. Because water attracts more places then, and not rushing too much is to be able to see more nuances. I went
author and amateur philosophy, but in practice it looks like this, I try to combine the two techniques with the natural surface watercourse flowing in the river carved by the erosion of the riverbed. I meant just that sometimes it is better watching the world, especially a week of good weather and frequent movement of 1950-1951 along parallels to the north of the equator (since this depends largely on the UV radiation).
After many discussions held last chance to say that it would be to go to the area of \u200b\u200bBeskid Maly spas (Iwonicz or Rymanow [both with annotation Zdrój]). In the end it's time for day trips dedicated to the hard bark. I'm not talking about trees that I would like to observe, but a transaction that is almost unmanageable, difficult to perform, or simply strange (aha! worth that, as a young bark is empty and removes the headphones it sounds old Kora - interesting ...). Well, unless poszukiwałbym, what is not looking, or hallucinogenic mushrooms. Nobody pays attention to this serious problem. Meanwhile, crowds of young people every year, well-rim scour nawiezionych (naturally) gorczańskich halls. To complete nonsense: you know that Denzel Washington has the most symmetrical face with all the actors in Hollywood?
All right, but before I get to base camp need a little like the aforementioned pokluczyć lowland river. In Zdzieszowice noticed a store: Shop Bears. I wonder what it is? Disqualify the laundry shop, but the Bears ... probably just the retail trade in detergents. Not only the observation of fragmentation wymogło me to the train taking cement ....
on the platform of that already in the second coke (not coconut!) Village met two trains. A train called unidentified IR was overlooked. And around the lovely composition (with three double-decker carriages and two traditional) evoked a beautiful scene generic. It was attended by three men who blocked the second track they decided to use the uplift, and the lady conductor in przykusej skirt. Who was the mountain? Well, here are the real creeps Polish optimism). Both sides were ukontentowane. Including the official radio, who announced his departure to permit an unscheduled pit stop.
delay was 10 minutes. After a quick passing another resort: Zabrze Zdrój (conductor words) ... I had seen here about the new buzz outside Spodek, who just goes facelift. It does not fit here, but the pretext for a mismatch analysis of this theme was created by osłupiające stun caused by a test of that machinery. The song was also very (ie, "no widget").
In this way, a full circle of goodies for specific things. Brightens: a flock of engineers threw themselves on candy until after the license managers. I took the most. Now we eat the meat of the origin of the basement (in fact the origin is rural, only the distribution of cellar). So to the resorts of the Low Beskid should probably still include Sadecka Piwniczna (Zdrój).

[Weekly song]
Ot Easter, eurodancowy cliché. Nobody really knows what is this song. I, too, so I do not speak.

sponsored Today's episode:
  • string representing the days of the month in which Easter is celebrated. According to the Gregorian calendar. I've included a clipping from 2000 to 2020: (..., 23,15,31,30,11,27,16,8,23,12,4,24,8,31,20,5,27,16,1 , 21.12 ,...). Several scholars have found algorithms to calculate this date. Among others Gauss. You can read about them on Wikipedia. There are also links to calculators.
  • Occupation No. 511202 of the " Classification of Occupations " conductor
  • Cement (Portland pictured):
  • Stalexport Towers (in conjunction with the need for continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bnaming companies in the fashion of the old headquarters of foreign trade such as Mięsimport [ This last paragraph in the context of regular]):

Friday, April 22, 2011

Does Yaz Affect Total Bili Blood Levels

... festively

That Dawidek no longer vest, and Auschwitz is a city of exceptional obejrzycie the material here: , O% C5% 9Awi% C4% 98CIM.-Dawidek-get% C5% 82-Vest% C4% 99,-kt% C3% B3ra-u% C5% 82atwi-mu-% C5% BCycie.html # comments The conference was accompanied
wiosennemu The Fair, which OCK held in ... About him at the Little Orchestra of Great Relief:
thank the authorities of the county town. They created a team. Thank you Andrew, thank Ula ... without you lot would not have succeeded. And all of you dear, who helped Igorkowi and now you support our foundation activities.
Specialist from the wishes, not just Christmas, always was and still is Albert, so the "paste" those posted on the Foundation ...
Moment contestation over you what surrounds us. Moments (few) alone, among those who mean something for you. A little respite. Faith, because only she can be creative. Hope, because without it you can not fight and strength to fight, because I would die without them hope. Awareness of how daily life can be wonderful, even if sometimes frustrating. Fulfillments, padding, and define what you really want.
Let them be the most beautiful ..... and necessarily with the egg:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Retro Baseball Sneakers

... nothing about us without us?

Children are divided into pure and ... happy
Julka Mom wrote to me: "Friday's test after treatment concluded that Julia is healthy! There were no changes, everything is very well absorbed. Kazanowska professor wonders yet over Julki.Teraz chemistry for maintenance, we also ask God to have remained so until the end. we believe that this will be. Regards really hot. "
These messages are like honey on our hearts ... I hope there were as many as possible.
I ; these prizes, who give hope to others that can beat cancer.
All those who have done so can be "counted." Let's do it here:
I talked with Dr. med.Andrzejem Sobieraj. He inspected the plates of the research Igorka - nothing has changed. In this case ruled out the operation. He recommended observation. May 9 will be further consulted on this matter with the professor. Andrew Kukwą.
Mailuję with Mrs. Valentina Balwierz professor. April 29 we have agreed upon oncology clinic visit and then probably we will plan for further checks. Yesterday
morphology Igor - almost perfect!
relationship with the Third Congress of Polish Oncology. Panel Fri "Nothing about us without us-solid partnership."
In Poland, the Partnership still has no speech therapy. Maybe it's because we only have 511 oncologists in the country and do not have time to talk or perhaps because for years doctors are accustomed, as they say and you listen. And zero discussion.
do not like those who seek, examine, consult the other sites, look at your hands. Why?! After all, we operate in a band. We have one common goal - to cure! For some people - raise the stakes tests, for others - to win the cancer! Observe life, peace, hope ...
Parent, the patient - are partners. Not enemies. Often know more about the disease than the experts .... Especially today - in the era of unfettered access to information.
When Janosz received a diagnosis - Autism - przewertowaliśmy Internet and we read everything we could read. Parents on foot translated foreign publications.
We have entrusted to the facilities and therapies. We sent urine for testing to the U.S.. We brought the attending physician according to protocol DAN from Italy, because in Poland there was no such time. From the beginning włączaliśmy actively in treatment of the child. We went to the Cabinet, "ABC" to Krakow for the treatment of "our Eli" and organizing a mini-volunteering with Dream and Aga - have worked with him at home. Our knowledge was greater than more than one specialist, for whom did get. Do not forget the lady psychiatrist from the hospital in Ligota which recommended Janoszowi .... kindergarten and vitamins. What to know about autism?
then was a desert, today we have almost Eldorado. Today Janosz goes on to address Sensory Integration Ola - in our neighborhood, and the DAN doctor in Tychy - almost for copper.
Times change and people like that do not recognize ... Parents are often the best doctors for their children. Capture errors, searching for new solutions. They must be partners. But this partnership still fashionable topic for discussion on oncology congresses. The reality is far different.

Agatha decided to consult the case of Sandra. Treatment was already at the finish, and prospects are unexciting. She took matters into their own hands. She did what you recommend in the West - has consulted in a different medium. She chose France.
French physician, Sandra looked at the documentation stated that the diagnosis is incorrect. - It can not be medulloblastoma. If it were a little medulloblastoma no longer with us that there was no - he said.
Agatha drove in a slice of the tumor board to re-test. It turned out that it is .... meningioma. III level.
Another diagnosis, different treatment protocol. Small
previously took huge doses of radiation, the most powerful chemistry .... Did she have? Agatha never know.
Who will take responsibility for this error?

You can double-check portion of the tumor at the expense of the state. Keep checking! Make sure that the diagnosis is properly. Do not trust blindly. Depends on the choice of the treatment program and the chances of your child on the way out of the disease. Discuss
always and at every stage. Also during the same diagnosis.
It's your right.
life is at stake.
are dozens of varieties of cancer. Necessarily oncologist specializes in treating this particular, to your child. But you-you must!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

List Of Master Lock Lock Combinations


[ Song Week: Papa Dance - The story of a deck of cards (1986)]

; pact: all the time talking about closer to an unidentified person who is basically a simple decision brought a lot to my life (which for a good cause, I dedicate this episode.) The decision that was only part of the whole mission, so (it has nothing in common, but stylistically bonded nicely) pokręćmy even around title.
before people discovered that burning (like rust) is doing the then unknown oxygen, thought-containing materials are burned in this mysterious phlogiston. Corrosion was different in that the the material is less phlogiston, so it burns more slowly and can not see the flame. The theory broke a little when considering the smelting of ores. To all tallied had assumed the existence of negative weight of phlogiston:). The overthrow of the phlogiston theory, considered the beginning of modern chemistry (and the law of conservation of mass:)).
I think that the dear readers to keep up now that the transfer of phlogiston (in relation to the matter, human) I think burnout here ... And this mission was, however, unless the author of this essay employment (oh this is probably as long sought classification of the work). His journalistic and literary skills also evolved the kind under the patronage of this person.
I am now so terribly tired that my drivel may not be as cute as usual (twist 180 degrees). Maybe in order to explain all this to give some insights on the points that do not explicitly draw a niesprawozdawczo niepamiętnikowo and the genesis of fatigue:
  • Running Korfantego between Katowice and Silesia Siemianowicami (from the monument to the monument to the hero of Silesia, both are strange, and in both there is no trunk, and the latter is in general Wojciech comes from some rocks) is organized in honor of escape Korfantego before Pilsudski (legend has it that he himself came up with [the hassle of podbiegiem street bearing his name { by Spodek}]). Pilsudski had the advantage that they rode chestnut, and Korfanty need to run "swim." Apparently they did not like, and now petrified stuck in a small distance from each other in the vicinity of the Silesian Provincial Office.
  • There is still no fee, is still mining the orchestra, sausage and still mineral water at the finish, is still a familiar ... But I guess I still trains tennis, but you will not see him at the start ...
  • viaduct over the railway in Siemcach - the recurring trauma of finishing off the tired
  • Syberce in Bedzin is architecturally interesting church. I guess the time of construction of the settlement (observation windows behind the bus line 27)
  • Ladybug won with Palm Sunday, at least in aldrajchu or Dabrowa Basin (observation of the doors Solaris operating line 27)
  • Orchids + fatigue + cluck = fantów leave in place inadequate that picks up the awarding of something from the "lower end": the choice was a Bison - allegedly from Stockholm (strange), and Krakow from Lancut Starogardzka also from Lancut. I bought this last to be convinced that it really is from Starogard and probably is the same as Sobieski only uglier and less snobbish bottle. I gave and received his fanta from the deposit. Vodka with fanta and so probably does not drink, and the temptation was, because the prize was the orange.
The effort was described transfer of phlogiston, but in a positive sense. He produced endorphins and therefore did not need to have one of the many sponsors section to still be happy. In this state, my plate for now. And so I'm going to go to bed.

[Weekly song ]
Papa Dance throughout its history are a few different teams. It is not just about personal issues. I'm not going to dwell on all phases of the band created by two close associates of Andrew Korzyńskiego: Slawomir and Mariusz Wesolowski Zabrodzkiego. This song comes from the second phase. This, which postpunkowo-synthpop band (I love this statement interspecific) did boys-band, and in principle Vocal duo of Paul Stasiak and Yoriadisa Cube. From this era is best known for songs such as "maxi single" and "O-la-la." Virulent? Certainly not as bad as that szlagzana that kills you from the team photo at the beginning of the video (although it's really just an artificial mist), which fits me the climate in and around Augustow district Lipowiec (the one with the train station). Anyway, later came the next phase of "development" Papa Dance, for how much the system can take a native of Red Bull (Yoriadis = Webber, Vettel Stasiak =);)

sponsored today's episode:
  • I wanted to be Here the string of numbers starting by consumption of the eighteenth course Korfantego, but these results have not yet posted. What matters is the idea. I give the implementation of the commentary:) Or it will generate interest in yourself:).
  • Occupation No. 313104 of the " Classification of Occupations : Photographer
  • Szlagzana spray (the company does not matter):
  • contained in onej N 2 O / nitrous oxide / dinitrogen / gas rozweselający/E-942

  • Flogiston, which probably has a lot of visualization, but no longer in the minds of mąćmy our society
  • Wojciech Korfanty not yet, but I do not want to meddle in politics (even historical):)
Silesia Metropolis (or rather the eastern part, with both sides Brynicy, transgressed Oftentimes ) 15 Weekly Weekend

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Homemade Spot Treatments For Pimples

... reflexively

Our life is wonderfully ordinary. This morning I learned that yesterday, I do not remember for how long, I fell asleep without thinking I would be able to live with that if it all turned out differently. Of course, all the time I'm afraid of everything that TA disease may entail, but after the recent good news I have more energy, I want to invest in the here and now. " On Sunday we watched the movie Monica Fri "Admiral." Andrei Kravchuk work shows banned in Soviet times, the story of the last four years old commander of the White Army of Admiral Kolchak. Film as art judge did not want to, because as the Russian cinema fanatic, I am not objective, but some staff have raised a lot of us think. Image Kravchuk, extremely dispassionate, which shows the dehumanization may occur at the "favorable" socially circumstances. As with normal people, workers, farmers, but doctors, officers and lawyers, suddenly being formed niezasługujące the name of cattle. The same thing happened at Auschwitz, in whose shadow we live "forever."
I once again started talking about the "wonderful" everyday life. About this, which is very fortunate that we can be together, here and now, aware that if we were born several years earlier (or, God forbid, later), our lives would be a nightmare. The same could happen if we were born a few hundred miles to the south for example.
Many people wished us to the 2010 years ended, we left him behind and never to this nightmare does not come back. And I, when I think about this year, I have serious doubts as to the so-staked claim. Were it not for my fear about what might happen yet, I would say that this year .... A great deal has given us. Me, Monica, We as a family. We are all together and every one. Thus, what we experienced at the end of the first decade of the XXI century, we know that miracles are possible. We know that the people who surround us, can soar to the heights of generosity and selflessness, to save their four-year unknown. We know that Janosz loves his brother, and that lives in a tiny Igorku great man. But we also know that we are aware of this thanks to you, and Providence, of course. Sometimes
unless transplanted with the valuation of certain problems. We define our operation as failed, for reasons that nohow did not deserve it. And even if it sounds corny, does not know how to appreciate everyday life.
approaching Easter. Time, which serves to be the "order of things" to consider. I hope that these few written words may help you think differently about their own lives and perhaps see it more than ever. But I also hope that through this to see around you these little ones who have the luxury of quiet everyday life can not afford. One such
Timothy Szkopek kids is the Chelmek, has recently been detected in leukemia. Together with people from the "Little Orchestra of Great Help", organized for him in the OCK tomorrow - April 16, in the chair. 8.00-16.00 "Great CharytatywnyJarmark Easter." If you want to buy beautiful and unique jewelry, Easter decorations, wonderful spring seedlings and original arts and crafts items, and "the way" to help your child and spend the time necessary to visit us there. You will even win bike!
Details can be found here: - = 2: aktualnoci & Itemid = 2 Come to

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Moj alfabet;)
B - BIRTHDAY: 21.06.
E - EASIEST PERSON (PEOPLE) TO TALK TO: Tomek, Bonksio, Zawadka, Aneta
F - FAVORITE SONG: Perfect-objazdowe nieme kino
J - JUGGLE: no
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: strawberry :)
O - ONE WISH: In my heart
R- REASON TO SMILE: my boy, sun, bed;)
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Relax take in easy-Mika
T - TIME YOU Woke Up: 5.10
V - VIRGIN: hmm?
W - WORST HABIT: grumble.
X - X-RAYS: 2
Y - YOU LIKE TO PARTY?: Hmm yes but only with my best friends.

stolen from Ani blog;)
For me wonderfully. I spent the weekend with Tom in Zakopane. The weather was not good, but it's not the weather that's just about time together and relax away from home / work / uni.
morning cold is killing me, but I hope that I will be getting warmer;)

Best Value For A Stereo Receiver


[ Song Week: Bean - Vitamins for boy and girl (198x)]

best joke is that both species belong to cabbage (Brussels sprouts are basically miniature cabbage traditional [ie, HEADED]). Therefore, under the impression that biological innovations in my head, the skies among the Wroclaw factory district, vanished from the beginning of the big admiration for the grocery store salesperson, who patiently endured by a modest definition of a client of the Brussels sprouts frozen as frozen broccoli. In fact, this patient also eventually ended. Perhaps the lady behind the counter knew anything more about the lady on the other side of the barricade of money? Perhaps it was a biology professor?
The above scene from Wroclaw przedpołudniowego a leaven in the main section of my thoughts. A few minutes sequence of exchanges in spożywczaku meant that the seemingly incompatible poskładałem blocks (or puzzle from the sea and forest landscapes at the same time [I do not recommend liquid to the toilet with the scent of the forest: for sure this is not my favorite smell of pine, or any other well-known forest my nostrils]).
In fact, anywhere in the EU (especially in the Schengen area) you can feel at ease. I will not move the risky theory ubiegunnienia centralizing zwanych czasami postępującą centralizacją wraz z równolegle postępującą decentralizacją (w końcu po co ekipa Gierka "narzeźbiła" aż 49 województw?). Nie umiem tylko zrozumieć, dlaczego na tablicach rejestracyjnych w jednym z fragmentów naszego imperium (pod wezwaniem zgrubienia jednego z tytułowych warzyw), zamiast skrótu państwa widnieje angielski kot (słowo, choć kot James byłby tam równie absurdalny).
    Przenosząc się w bardziej realne (w istocie auchanowo-cerrefourowe [chodzi o udział w rynku lokalnym]) kręgi dodam, że istnieje kilka metod rozróżnienia in which the regions of Spain we are. One of the core is the pronunciation of the letter X:
  • hear something like "sh" are somewhere within the broader Catalonia (and the rest of the master ask ya Szpakowski: how to read and Xavi and Puyol are Puziol)
  • hear "t" (or Such lisping s) are in Galicia, which is the main tourist resort of San Xenxo (pronounced San Siensio or San Senso [it's the perversion zakrawa])
  • the rest of the kingdom is a standard "Father" (minibus driver once told me that his vehicle najstandardniejszy is [that is probably the most standard, although such a thing to interpret ...])
analyzed in the previous section of diacritical marks, but now different pronunciation of the same sign. Does this mean progress? And now the second
Walkthrough (ble! what a word): The thickness of each layer immediately after opening the newspaper kiosk. In Poland's longest river is the dividing line between the mostly influenced by the various political factions. In Spain, the donut pattern spaces (it is irrelevant whether with poppy or sesame, or novelty: the past due cheese). Inside the voting mostly on party A, while outside the party B. Of course, it looks like this newspaper that sympathizes with the AA party A, while the party newspaper BB B and on this basis, the newsagent adjust supply to the needs of readers.
The third method is based on the kitchen (or kitchen, which is even more absurd [ ¿ Cocina de gas with cocina eléctrica?]). About this you can write a whole book, so it smooths on saying no. I recently tasted a drink called the Polish tiger. You may prepare it on your own (For your own cup) and I take the relationship. Along with the extravagant, as on a school trip, cereals with milk and a perfect broth without seasoning in the form of a cube broth, it will be a great escape from regulatory activity diet last week.
A month and a day before the seventh anniversary of the graduation carry proof (not by me but by fate, not the mathematics, and Polish) that there are topics anniversary (in this context we are talking about the anniversary of zero) to prove that diversity many of the regions making up one family does not require a stand with legs apart. This same otherwise tightly stretched himself in the company of colleagues przemiłych (still feel pain in my abdominal muscles.) The same as proof of my carelessness also shows the different kinds of anniversary, because even though I chose that theme is seven years less one month and the day is missing my chance to improve.

[Weekly song ]
Children do not mention anything either about brussels sprouts, broccoli or about. However, recall the name Boniek. If among the then 10-year-olds were so much talent is where are these potential successes in recent years? Other potential forever. The song like most czasie.W era of obesity are waiting for more propaganda songs about nutrition. I'm going to run, to have "dziarską Wink").

Today's episode sponsored:
  • (1, 1, 2, 60, 360360, 219060189739591200, 1749342047920660916901891145781670987072592322134428432000 ,...) Catalan numbers, I do not know what's going on, reading: http://
  • No. 515902 of the profession " Classification of Occupations and Specialties: Employee protect property and persons
  • Cat James:
  • and (possibly) his favorite dishes from the frozen food (apart from the company):
Garden City, 10/04/2010

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is Succinylcholine A Competitive Inhibitor

time we swam in the clinic soon ...:)
We're back ....
Those were our best days. Warm, full of peace. We left behind our beloved Gosia find in the second house, the pastor Oliego, Denise and the kids, who prayed for Igor, Katerina and Jurgen, our friends supporters, which saw FC Freiburg ....
We could not, unfortunately, before leaving to meet with the professor Kontnym - igOrder diploma and left his assistant-delightful Mrs. Jost.
Freiburg we said goodbye to the rain. Mknęliśmy home as on the wings. To normality. For the morning rush to get to work, to kindergarten, to school .... To everyday problems and everyday responsibilities. For Janoszka, the grandmothers, to our Kudłacz Maura, to friends and acquaintances.
Every day I thank God for the fact that you have ... - I can sing.
Thank you for text messages, the entries' fejsbukowe and comments.
May this moment last forever ...
Igor returned to the nursery. And told us ... that probably is in love. In Carolina, a colleague of the group ... How I'd grown up to marry her - told. *
Well ... we grow single:)
waiting for medical records from Freiburg to send it to our doctors with Prokocim. They also need to convene a council and decide to stop.

* Albert suggested that reveal too many details of our personal life son, and this may violate the privacy .... The fact about it, I thought. serious matter. Igorku promise-it will not happen again:)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nfl Player Medical Expense

domestic and ... everything is OK!

... On this day, everyone is doing pranks. Today, April Fool's Day. But we write Freiburg most severely as possible and najradośniej as you can imagine ..
25 degrees here today, the sun, everything blooms, smells and sings. Just like we do. This morning, the PET study showed that the head remained in the residual tumor mass Igor is dead ... Summer in the hearts .... Heaved a sigh and began to celebrate ...
Goshia pichci just delicious dinner, and told me to rest. Albert on the balcony drinking coffee and listening to the lark singing (of course with a laptop on your lap-on-line bridge over the circumstances of nature) and Igor happily Stand by me ...
Goshia conjures the same interest for us. She took us to a fantastic space for a huge place, reminiscent of a lively market, which set a lot of stalls serving various cuisines of the world ... I ate a Thai soup, and as an exotic salad with chicken .... Albert argetyńskiego devoured the steak, and Igor chose ... German wurst with BBQ. We drank it the most wonderful fresh juices - and miksowaliśmy dobieraliśmy flavors by taste .... We also made purchases in our favorite health food supermarket Al Natura ...
Tomorrow awaits us Kinder first trip to the Galaxy, then the premises on which a well-known supporters FC Freiburg watch the match live, and on Sunday Fun - Europa Park - that longed-for trip to the big amusement park is a reward. Igor still got the syrup and soporific (hm ... well, rectally) after which he slept like a log. Then an ambulance transported us to the PET laboratory, where Igor woke up and, despite giving next dose intravenous anesthesia and no longer fell asleep .... He was semiconscious. As the "stupid Johnny." But I survived. We repeated the sequence of the head just want everything to be the most readable .... And it was. Professor invited us for an afternoon meeting and told fantastic news.
Now for the next two years we do control the resonances of the head and lung X-rays every three months, once years to check heart and thyroid (hormones are strained radiotherapy). Then for the next three years - MRI and X-ray lung half year ... And then once a year. And so do we .... And the results will be equally successful. So now you've designed.
On Monday, we still go to the hospital and give the professor Kontnemu diploma and "IgORDER" or Igorkowy medal of gratitude ...