I have not written a long time because, unfortunately, did not have time to practically nothing.
every free moment I try to spend with friends.
As Christmas passed, and how you started the new year? For those who like
I hope the holidays were great.
I hate Christmas so I apologize for not odpisywaĆam to your wishes.
New Year's Eve because I was not anywhere in the New Year's morning I had to arrive at work. Ok
23 Angelika picked from work and went to a small party for me.
It was my first five years since a New Year that I can remember and I woke up the next day with mega hangover.
I'll tell you .. nice feeling.
Facebook is killing me: P
In fact, when it comes to the last party that I visit infrequently as I said. Most
I go with the guys from the year for a beer after the lecture.
That's all.
On Saturday I'm going to prom what scares me because on Monday I start sessions.
A on Thursday after going to the END ... will not be fun, but I have to give advice.
I will not comment because buried .. just come out.
And now the very pleasant.
How poignant e-mails to defend Miss M, after what I've done it.
Yes .. that's her article was removed by me.
Well I said that I will not let go .. So it's not impossible.
I finish what I got a nice poem from you in the mail.
"When I was a small tourist tax is a soother to Jebal,
When an adult's taste has changed a pacifier in the jumper changed."
to booooneeee
kisses and see you in honolulu.