post title has many meanings.
First, after 3 weeks of quarantine Miss Olga back to kindergarten. It has probably bad outstanding, but I think I can manage with her zerówkowy material to make up;)
And secondly - Wyszyński metryczkę for the Lord the Son, and I realized that I must return to pre-embroidery. Left side embroidery wakes crying and gnashing of teeth. So now I took a tiny obrazeczki on Christmas cards and working on their left side as much as on the right. Here's The said
Send. By the way - whether the alphabet is also present in a larger version?
yet I have no idea how it framed.
hereby also thank Grandma Vilemoo , without which was not to Send:) Oh
- my husband chose this particular picture because he liked that Mr. Son is of him in the pose of a winner. " I'm not sure what was going on, but let it be:)
Agatha Adelaide, wyguglałam the film and join the queue to watch movies:) Thanks for the tip!
Dorotheo , this study takes a while, huh? But then a man enjoys, even with the last sip of the bottom of the cup:)
Zulko , try to:)
Ullak , thank you: *