Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memoriam Wording In Wedding Program


[ Lyrics Week: Alicia Janosz - I woke up (scrambled) (2002)]

tweet "about birds, świerszczach: give a short, high-pitched sound." Besides the mythical quarter. But a quarter of what? With hundreds! Even more mythical. Although this myth is always a reality in the Commonwealth. Neither the crickets, or birds did not protect me from unsafe water leakage from the pickles which was accused by a train of bringing in a backpack kebab stands (sign of the times).
The previous paragraph (in terms of numbers of characters read if the reader begins to read, as it was adopted in our civilization, from the beginning) I wanted to celebrate another anniversary of this essay (niefoliowanego, once on each card issued swim my mother instructed her to laminate, but then it was a document ...). It's getting warmer, so it is quite possible that wordcap (rather znakotok) ###_*. DPP on the pages will be smaller than assumed in the 3000-4000 part of regular characters. Besides, we think readers will enjoy other activities. I'd have to write posts on Berdychiv, although I doubt Berdychiv that was in transition from the village to trade on the very profile tourist resort.
so happens that Berdychiv lies near the town of Brody. So we go to energy. I'm not sure if it is planned Brody pipeline Odessa-Brody-Gdańsk, but whatever. In addition, the country we have so many sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas that is not worth to worry about imports. Hydrogen sulfide is ubiquitous everywhere. This even landfills unless specially built along major railway routes. According to the principles: stronger deadens the pain worse (The one with train toilets.)
This whole story giggles I decided to call it energy carriers foul rape, because rape is as popular as garbage dumps. The smell, although less intense and hard to identify his trouble, but that's already fading yellow and begins to spread the smell of this fact. Provocation? Indeed.
This provoked reflection: Biofuels were once, and now this whole loot gazkowy . If everything is empty election I will say frankly that on vegetable oils yet it would be possible to fry. Hydrogen sulfide +
biofuels = scrambled eggs? No. biofuel + = scrambled egg, and hydrogen sulfide when the egg is too long. Probably also scrambled. But the 10-year-old scrambled eggs can still be fresh (see the song a week). Such positive
behold, like a neo-baroque acoustic screen, I wanted to think about energy-soaked crown section and jump into the depths of waiting for the next quarter (ie apples).

[Weekly song]
Alicja Janosz won Idol, then fell victim to the songwriters. To the extent that persistently pushed us in the pages of Polsat song, which in its title is not scrambled, YouTube is the first result when searching for that word. Classic early age. I do not know whether the world is a person who knows what is happening in the song after about 22 seconds ... However to give you Alice, that she could przeprofilować its activities and apparently now fulfilled professionally.

Today's episode sponsored:
  • string identifiers egg producers (30055907.16071304 ,...) - only dwa wyrazy, bo tylko dwa rodzaje jajek mam w lodówce. Wiem, że to banał, ale ciekawy ciąg z encyklopedii tak naprawdę nie jest ciągiem, bo jest dwuwymiarowy. Niezbyt pasuje.
  • Karczownik, czyli szczur wodny (zdjęcie z zasobów Wikipedii)
  • Nieistniejący szyb Jadwiga nieistniejącej KWK Porąbka w Sosnowcu (z okładki kłującego mnie codziennie [w oczy] atlasu GOP wydawnictwa PPWK S.A. im. E. Romera, istniejącego)
 Katowice, 29.05.2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ontario Salvage Motorcycles

Lung X-rays ... ... KOniedziela

Jobs, kindergarten, school, home. Igor whole day running the ball in the yard. Nothing can deter him from the pursuit of normality .... It has lots of new friends. Some are greater than him about the head.
done Igorkowi chest X-rays. Housing clean lungs! UFF! There is nothing more beautiful. May we be the same feeling of relief felt by June 16 - after the MRI.
Immediately afterwards the whole family on June 19 we head for a week to Leba - the Green Nursery, and from there straight to the STAY Jarosławiec rehabilitation. We look forward to much much sun, which will reward our kids hard this past year.
Janoszek was in consultation with an expert on autism - Dr. Andrew throat. Have not heard so many great words about his accomplishments, potential and negotiations on the future of ... (well, maybe even from przemiłych Janoszka educators from SP No. 4 Women's Beata Urszula Tatar and drills, which do not spare praise for our son ...
Tomorrow Saturday, which is mandatory wypad boys on horses to Ikarionu to Borek. Janoszek - hippotherapy, Igor - lazy ride. A day later-KONIEdziela !!!!!

PS. Accepted with great regret the deaths of the first Marshal of the Malopolska Region, Mark Navarra. Lord Marshal (then head of Alberta) as soon as he learned about the disease Igor rushed to our aid, and appointed to the neurosurgical consultation with an eminent specialist, who had brought him out of serious illness. On Thursday, Speaker Nawara was supposed to be in Auschwitz. He visited my University. We wanted this day once again to thank him personally for help. Unfortunately we have not had. At night, Marek Nawara died.

Who Makes Target Brand Toweling

early on Sunday, May 29, another event organized by the Foundation of his ward Little Orchestra of Great Help. Szkopka For Timothy, leukemia Chelmek capita, this time in addition to volunteers MOWP flex horses and their carers. We invite you on a horseback ride in Bobrek and Chełmek. You will be able to ride a horse or a brisk rączego filly:), under the tutelage of eminent specialist in this field and "except" to help treat a sick baby. We invite you warmly. We have ordered beautiful weather, so you can go ahead to design a weekend:). Details on the poster. Helps with MOWP concert and ... koniedzielnie!:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Peoms For Money Tree Baby Shower


[ Song Week: Wham! - Young Guns (Go For It!) (1982)]

Loopbacki from Lübeck. Loop-backi are those loops. I'll explain on the example of the fiber. We have two fibers and each of them supports the transmission in one direction. To remotely check the characteristics of the whole circuit at the other end we have to loop it. The German city of Luebeck - friends (and friend) as soon pronounce "loopbacki" that sounds like "Lübeck".
Apparently this is not the union, but loopbacki inspired me to empty A5 card with kołonotatnika (title buffer), which gathered a number of hot ideas (in the form of so-called present. "bullet to"):
  • Speaking of those friends (and girlfriends) from the loops - I dreamed up (long ago) that I work on their project with Penelope Cruz
  • generation cellular evolution: 2G = GSM, 2.5 G = GPRS, EDGE G = 2.75, 3G = UMTS, HSDPA 3.5 G =, G = 3.75 HSPA, LTE G = 3.9 , 4G = LTE Advanced. Then it probably will have BIG GIE
  • your Alma Mater is Klex University of Salamanca - the worst that he did not live there yet monument ...
  • In the winter at the station in Gołonogu and so looked at the snow when he wanted to discover the three-dimensionality of the phenomenon and to the naked eye (without 3D glasses)!
  • Another Train: Breslau Nikolaitor - bad information and jingle in the background Telekspresu announced the train.
  • Last inn in Lithuania (from the Polish border) is in the municipality of Lazdijai (coming from the Vilnius) or in the municipality of Calvary (coming from the Kaunas). I have a clean conscience: like I'm late with this news, but fortunately was not in this year's Pan Tadeusz, the maturach (I think).
  • in the reading work is not the head, not even the copying, but digital cameras.
  • Conductor / Train Manager should create a reality and not just testing it.
  • desirable behavior these Polish officers in turn brought in the past to the positive evaluation of my monthly ticket: "I pierdziele"
  • you know what the adjectival universities? :):):) Example, University of Life Sciences ...
  • Sławojka
  • Second Republic, the Third Republic Toika
  • A Cuban success in the New York marathon using the subway. The investment for a ticket is requested. In Silesia the marathon such a solution would not make sense, because the speed of the Silesian ban, to put it mildly, is not staggering.
  • sister just showed me the sneakers: the longer a distant Fat Thursday eaten donuts straight from the bag after the old sneakers
  • Amateur graphic designer needs to flinch with several items including the corporate printers that do not result in any trash, but also inept converting svg to pdf files in the implementation of the program InkScape
  • Apparently the Italians only drink sweet wine, while the discount customers' wine-based products "(the official name, although I must admit that the discount stores in May also quite good wine)
  • = dump material (not only hydrogen sulfide, including sacks), wind = creator, tree = frame
  • Leczmy the exercise. Helps me, even with minor respiratory infections. Once on the mountain section of the Rospuda woman looking camera Skittering upstream of both the river and the embankment. But it just might be the merit of formic acid is located in nearby nettles.
  • dignified elephant advertises the marketplace for Katowice Załęże: "Strong Shopping"
  • DivX to DVD it's not a DVD, everyone knows, even the most players, but they often rebel against this state of affairs.
  • Great album, dormitories, hotels modular ...
card can be discarded, and Tik-Tak was odwleczony. And these are two successes today.

[Weekly song]
George Michael fascinated with hip-hop funk discourages his team to an early marriage. Both had after 19 years, although the song mumble something about the 21st We should also remember that it was a time Iron Lady ... For the economic problems of the duo Wham! referred to in the song Wham Rap! (Enjoy What You Do?). However, in the song Young Guns (in which every move I hear "Hey compass") is called. Middle 8, ie a sudden change in the nature of the song for a certain period of time. Perhaps the most characteristic Middle 8 in popular music can be found in "Say You, Say Me" Lionel ryczanej himself.

Today's episode sponsored:
  • (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 27, 36, 48, 64, 81, 108, 144, 192, 256, 324, 432, 576, 768, 1024, 1296, 1728, ...) - a sequence of solutions to the problem "Select All, Copy, Paste." Available strokes we have n (n is the index of the string). Permitted impacts is any point, press Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V (keyboard shortcuts also consider to be a hit.) Heading over the present maximum number of letters that can be generated using any combination of these strokes. It's easy to figure that up to 6 beats our favorite copy procedure does not give us anything (at least 3 hits mark-up). More information along with the optimal combinations here:
  • tape of "goosebumps"

  • detector (or trailer) absurdities

Classifieds / "Wroklaw" 16/17.05.2011

Make Your Own Boobies Bracelet


I used to repeat that in our misfortune that we have a lot of luck. And most importantly always come across great people. Exceptional. Miraculous.
Some just come to know others discover anew.
family, friendship, sacrifice, empathy, help .... These words carry the new meaning to us, have a new value and definition ....
perceive time differently. The time given to us. What counts is the moment, the moment. Tasting life and cut into small pieces. On Sunday, Alberta
honored in Warsaw. Award received on behalf of our friend, Rotarian Bogus Mackiewicz.
wonderful moment. We were thrilled ...
But we are aware that recipients of this award as you are. And all the Little Orchestra of Great Help. Without you there would be no nexus of events that led to the creation of the Foundation. Were it not for your militia not would have faith and hope for other children heaving burden of disease.
In fact, you are "friends of the family." Our own - and many others who are helping. Thank you. # comments
Congratulations Honey!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ex-navy Boat For Sale


[ Song Week: Maria Koterbska and Merry Four - There is sunshine (1954)]

Maria had Koterbska in their repertoire, happy music, but in the word sad in the text, a song about umbrellas sellers. Summarize it (the order): a city full of young people has never rained, and yet the umbrella salesman tried to sell them. Just in the day we moved in search of a market weather caused trick and there the "prosperyty. The song also explains the issue a sense of time, "the little people have very little time, because they are tiny and time clocks." I do not know what songwriter Maria was in physics, but apparently it does not distinguish between the angular velocity from the linear ... And beyond this, and so the theory is (not squeal because he's too dignified.) Even though some time to read the way the clock circuit (in the traditional interpretation of the size of the circuit determines the clock resolution [accuracy] read hour) is more of a problem with keep up with all the activities would dryblasy. They also often more problems with the heart (pump station must handle the larger basin consisting of veins and arteries). Stringing a single large buckle (or in English: Last but not least): the man has a little time when it is in a hurry and have high blood pressure. Do you have high blood pressure tall?
But everything was fixed long ago and for the atmospheric pressure in technical applications, a limit 1hPa. So skip to orthopedics and posture. Little movement or motion of asymmetric (eg, one of my grown in the past, sports), the cause of many defects spine. Approaching this matter very carefully, ran unexpectedly raised the inversion problem. Instead of straightening curves of people - people frown lines. And from the curvature to promote only one step. Of course, all assuming that the appropriate TKKFie (Society for the Promotion of Physical Culture), there is a section (or sections) Sports asymmetric. Propagation krzewnictwa dendrolodzy should address, but I would recommend this also as a form of proper development of the two hemispheres of the brain (let's start with ivy).
Time is money. Money include: socks, tickets bus, ice cream cake. In this order, examine the various forms of material goods. The socks short: you on the train told me that he knew such a man what throws a pair of socks every day and buys a new one. So will give jobs to the Chinese children (whose number has stabilized at a high level) than entertainment Polish pensioners (which supposedly more and more).
ticket machines in KZK GOP is already a long story. They are several years old. The church of St. Mary's probably never work properly ... Wrocku We now have the variety in the vending machine (almost) all the bus, but you can pay only by credit card (what a nonsense). Jump in the modern age: until recently kasowało tickets to such wzorzastotwórczym punch. Returning to Silesia: in the algorithm to spend money you can easily see that the burden of electronics engineering from the Technical University of Silesia brought items of PTC (Fundamentals of Digital Techniques), PUC (Digital Systems Design) and a whole series of items microprocessor. Well, one of the most popular tasks was to design a machine. I think too often told to appear in the text of the finest, first, because recently the expectation of 20 coins dziesięciogroszowych I fled the bus ...
Today I heard that the phone has nothing to do with the current. He passed me, then chill, but it is perhaps because of technical practices in the stripping slot tokens (in winter) sang a song from the ad KonditoraiCośTamCośTam Und Wize (and not MasterCard). So much for ice cream cakes.
Finally, I share with you more valuable information. The number of stars hotel in Poland admits Marshal. This raises some niemiarodajność internationally.

[Weekly song]
Koterbska Maria - the first swinging. I love her work (among others mentioned in the text of the song Fri "Umbrella"). Born in Bielsko (the Silesian part of the Bielsko-Biala:)). Analysis of the lyrics always poses a lot of fun. And it's Lviv "boogie-woogie! Who was The Merry Four - just so the chorus, created a music school in Rybnik specifically for Maria. The song also has a complicated message. For example: "There are so many other most beautiful songs [it just is not true] and many others are ..." Exactly what? How is someone please let decrypts I know:) Today's episode

sponsored (I got a tip and literally, so it will be zinc):
  • (0, 3, 13, 34, 70, 125, 203, 308, 444, 615 , 825, 1078, 1378, 1729, 2135, 2600, 3128, 3723, the 4389th ..) Number of molecules of zinc sulfide in n-tiered crystal zinc cluster. I do not remember from chemistry, and in any case, it boils down to the formula: n (n +1) (4n +5) / 6
  • Zinc oxide (worn by me in the tooth)
  • tinfoil - which is a thin sheet zinc
  • All the old galvanizing
  • in Upper Silesia and Foundry wełnowiecką Uthemanna
  • headed for a change: Pig-Krzna Channel, which devastated the lion's share of the Polesie wetlands (picture from Wikipedia resources)

Night after night of museums Katowice

Friday, May 13, 2011

How To Deal With Stingy Housemates

family friend in the blog ... ... for cancer

guys a cold. Janoszek still at home, says the niedoleczona angina. Igor runs already in kindergarten. Grinds the role of the school play. But the scene should not have stage fright. Little debut on the stage behind him OCK.
May 30 we're going on an inspection visit to the U.S. dollar. We want to accelerate the small X-ray of the lungs. We can make it with us in Auschwitz. The lungs must be subject to quality control (risk of metastases), and we rejected the test of time since the June deadline approaching resonance.
of Kety Barry wrote in a comment what you might expect:
Thank you to Monica, who found the time to describe this situation. Perhaps you Dr. Stanislaw Misiarz read this article and the topic is dokształci treatment of hematology and oncology, rethink their arguments that "This is not the mother I plug in and do drip injections." The man who does not find yourself in this situation and will not spend even a few days, I'm not talking about months or years, fighting for the life of a child on the ward-hematological oncology did not know anything about the disease and its human tragedies leczeniu.O, shed tears, and family adversity above all, helpless and innocent children who do not deserve such a fate. I lost a lot of time (which I could give a child), a lot of nerves and stress, appealed to Krakow, where after 4 months from the submission of documents in Auschwitz was Nursing allowance granted by the Regional Team on of disability.
Provincial Team of disability found that the previous decision of the predicate of Auschwitz was incompatible with the law. The worst part is that you give the doctor Misiarz do not want to listen to the arguments of the mother. He did not want to know what the child oncology care, and why it appears to receive a nursing allowance. Cracow examiners stripped the doctor's incompetence. Sad.

Sandrusia waiting for an operation
Sandrusia the six-year wait for Chrzanowa term operations in France. Agatha can not count on financial aid NHF. Has very little time to collect the necessary funds. Treatment of approximately 600 thousand. Agata has applied for an account of Sandra in the Foundation "Help on Time." He writes a blog:

Agata describes the dramatic story of her six-year-old daughter of the disease, and a complete lack of knowledge among primary care physicians, two months who were not able to detect the causes of ill health, Sandra. When a little lost consciousness, it appeared that the cause was siedmiocentymetrowy the tumor in the head. Sandrusia underwent surgery, after which he was in a coma, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He has not fully efficient foot. Agata says:

"In April this year, they earn a reasonable amount, we decided to ask for help at a clinic in Paris. The doctor, with whom he consulted, noted ambiguities in the results of histopathology. He decided to repeat research. The result was a shock for us - if the tumor was diagnosed Sandrusi component rabroidalnym - malignant meningioma. This cancer occurs only 1.5% of sick children. Doctors have no experience in treating this type of cancer because of its rarity. Worse, the last resonance showed that the tumor starts to grow (ie, that the chemistry does not work anymore.) We have been informed that the operation in Poland is not possible, Polish neurosurgeons say that the operation "may do more harm than good." Despite this, they earn the money we had a second consultation on Paris, this time we took Sandrusię. J. girll doctor after seeing the documentation and examination of the daughters said that they are able to help us! Expensive operation is needed. This is the amount for us, unattainable. We ask, therefore, the hot asking for help for our beloved daughter. We still have hope ... "

not let this hope die. Meet Sandra. It has a few years and so many have already passed. Show yourselves to its great reliability of the heart. And remember - every dollar counts.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How To Create A Singlet


early on Saturday will take place the next two events, organized by our Foundation, the Little Orchestra of Great Help. In Chełkmu now children will organize a performance for his leukemia colleague, Timothy Szkopka. At the same boy will be conducted at the Auschwitz collection of students' festival. We cordially invite you to participate in events and the treatment wsaprcia baby. You can also support
MOWP, not moving before the computer. More on this subject can be found here - support. You are helping us a concert!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Is Meaning Of Mleyu


[ Song Week: Lucenzo ft. Don Omar - Danza Kuduro (2010)]

Referring to the title: there is no postal company. Referring to the songs of the week: every once is a pressure. YouTube pressed me that what I proposed to move the song (of course, "officially legal" [but it came up with myself:)] channel Vevo) after hearing the song (it may seem) is not matched this.
Referring to long weekends: anything long nominally reduced by too much experience. Haha! There is one exception! Maybe not one. I just presented the rule concerns the time. We should also remember that this is all about classical physics from the time of Newton's laws. Relativity lot of messed up both items in the lengthening and time.
The promiscuity of all this praise make sure that I raced with the tram line No. 7 Therefore, all the themes and inspirations like chlorine disappeared into the warm pool (in the west to ozonuje water - that is allowed in O 3). Or maybe you just transformed it in satisfaction. I raced from the hub to the Freedom Square Youth Culture Załęże. Throughout the whole street Gliwice, which has so many monuments, and I treat it as neglect. The result: a red Konstal won yellow mustang.
See how it looks! As if I did stylish initials in print technology is gutenbergowskiego zaoszczędziłbym fonts on more expensive, because almost everywhere, yet I had a "W" in paragraphs. In this it was this same time, and I am the sister of that symbol is slowly getting closer (north - the horses, period) so briefly put out of their steaks (chops would be at least in the batter - that's the difference?) A variety of stylistic forms.
professions also were in the honorable competition, but will not say what. Postindustrializm Edition architectural złomiarskim I devoured most of the night in this twisted (as it is - I used screwdrivers), but the short working week. Secondary has had an impact on the primary (ie postindustrializm the outcome in the competition, here referring to the construction of the transformer, the transformer coils in fact) and let this is the moral of all this galimatiasu. So much is still to save!
Goni me time because I'm done already this uneven fight with a web browser and a network of servers. I refer more to the Lord Tik-Such, but I think about ending more time to write as it has little in reserve. To sum up: "the Lord Tik-That '!. Tick-tock, tick-tock!

[Weekly song] is such a
Kuduro music played in Angola since the 80s of the twentieth century. In Angola, it is said in Portuguese. A Portuguese Lucenzo you are (well, born in France). It is from his song "Vem dançar kuduro" was a hit with this episode. And it was this: he became involved in the Puerto Rican champion Don Omar Reggaeton pan (sometimes known as El Rey), added some bicików and imprezaaa:). Thus, the song is bilingual: English-Portuguese.

Today's episode sponsored:
  • string created by a series of departures minute tram No. 7 from the bus KZK GOP Katowice Railway Station on weekdays: (3,18,33,48). Look for a complicated rule. Hint - use the arithmetic modulo 60th Two trams
  • Konstal production at two different liftingach (picture of company resources Silesian Trams):

Metropolitan Silesia, 05/08/2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Morning After Pill Ontario

Primum non nocere ....

from Krakow back with Kate, her husband and 4 - year old son, ill with leukemia ... They live in Kety, so we drop you on the way home. The strange story, I met by chance, two years earlier. Barry sewed me a beautiful dress for a Carnival Ball Academic.
Then we met under different circumstances ... For a single room. Pediatric oncology. Barry also knows the other branches of the hospital. Years ago, here's elder son was treated. It bears the burden of disease younger.
oncology clinic in the waiting list the notes, news from the last few months ... Barry tells a story that makes me oczekującychw corridor and parents in astonishment and indignation. Panel of the Auschwitz PCPR, it is true son of a finding of disability, but refused to provide care. The doctor found that the mother of 4-year old child does not need to accompany him on the ward, because "It is not connected to a drip and injections doing."
ignorance, callousness, ignorance, or lack of imagination your doctor? What is consciousness
malignancy has said a doctor? How many times in my life visited a branch Oncology and met the families suffering? I do not want him to be persuaded, which means cancer. Why? Probably because then he would know what is sitting in the hospital for two or three months (from leukemia and fall values \u200b\u200band difficult slow "in carrying the heavy," the body is unfortunately standard).
would know what it means to live a four-year guard, who 24 hours a day is pinned to the pump. Continuous monitoring, by a sudden movement would not escaped from the main entrance of the central vein-thin rureczki that cytotoxic drugs flow the body. Pushing the pump when the baby goes to the toilet or to zabiegówki ... Being next to him, even when playing in the hospital nursery. Mr.
doctor could see what it is getting up 10 times during the night to the child, connected to a large drip "scrubbing" and substituting his duck, or - in children younger-changing and weighing urine soaked diapers - and meticulous record balance, which nurses excel every day.
If the urine is too little - if serving to children furosemide. After that, it is difficult to keep up with a duck .... Mr.
doctor would know what they mean and frequent vomiting after administration of cytostatics, and then the change of bed linen and underwear, swimming. The attacks of pain after winkrystynie, running at night for the nurse and doctor, to inscribe the card what you need and gave the child pyralginę.
would know what a hospital kitchen for parents, a daily pack of mothers and fathers prepared dish, to which their baby is Oncological just feel like it. Chemistry works ... yes, unfortunately Distorts the flavor. You have to bend over backwards to help the child ate anything ...
And steroids? And after them, anger, crying ... I exercise daily, the time to organize your child, it is constantly busy all the time, because the pump's life is significantly reduced. Even a change in opdtwarzaczu DVD disc is not possible without the help of a parent, I hang wyskoko tv ....
And you know sir how to look for the disease stays in the house? If you already are, you are very short. Any fever - means the phone to the doctor and the most rapid rate to the clinic. Any decline in the value-to report on the ward, platelet transfusion, administration neupogenu. Each infection is equal to the hospital - because if you give intravenous antibiotic ....
Are you Doctor knows what it means to wake the child on a folding cot or in a chair ... Quick dip in the basement of the hospital and instant purchases, to make it back to the hospital before she wakes up? Because nobody
Doctor has no time for him. Only a parent. And no one here is anyone to blame. Mr
oncology nurses have their hands full. Not only that, there are not enough, the hospital wards are overcrowded. At night, no not sleeping .... Las pumps .... every moment, either squeals-signifying it was time to change the drip. Hook a new one. Rinse the entrance. Give the medication. Everything must be sterile. It takes a lot of time.
not imagine that you could leave the Doctor four year old and leave him alone in the hospital. Return safely to work .... Rule continued ... as we all would choose you standing by your child in this disease. And if you are sure the Lord's spouse.
Under state law to provide paid care to a person who:
'resigns from employment or other paid work to care for the holder of a certificate of disability together with indications: the need for permanent or long-term care or assistance of another person in connection with a significantly reduced live independently and need for constant participation in everyday child's guardian in the process of his treatment, rehabilitation and education, or a decision with a severe disability .
Supply Care is 520.00 zł miesięcznie.Te enough money for gasoline, and may all of a sudden one-off batch caphosolu rinse your mouth sore on drugs ... Nevertheless, many people give up her job and decides to go świadczenie.W Friday it found out that this was a luxury that not everyone is eligible.
PS. Doctor Mr. M. is the author of precedent. Talked about among themselves. All parents of the first branch, with which we speak, attempting to claim disability, received them with no problem. A meeting of a panel held in absentia ..... My well. Why was not the case now? Why this absurd, rendering a decision about the competency of the predicate?
And yet everything in this disease is unclear. Maybe it is time to explore it, even from afar .... Read, ask ..... Of course if you want to pomóc.Bo recall that an institution under the name of the Lord, by definition, the doctor works to help the family ....
............... Mr. harms its image.
Barry appealed. Fortunately. Maybe in Krakow will go to the humane and competent physician. For obvious and active participation on a daily basis in the treatment, care and rehabilitation of their child receives due to its provision ....
Dignity mother of a sick child who had to feel like a juggler, will not return nobody else. But Lord, there is no obligation to respect the dignity of the mother. It does not fall within the scope of the duties of the Lord. Dear Doctor, "M".

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wete Can I Find Glory Holes

.... control tests in June

.... USD Krakow crowd of friends. The talks, smiles., Exchange of information. We registered the first, so are accepted quite quickly. Doctor examines a little. I say that we are concerned his grunting. The doctor reading the results of blood tests. Studying extracts cards. For some time, Igor has raised rates, which indicate an allergy. We need to consult a good pediatric allergist. You know that? If so - please contact information. Dear
Iwonka - one of us encourage and support people send cards translation of excerpts from the UK Igorka Freiburg. We send it immediately to our doctors Krakow.
The card says:

" FDG PET / CT of r 04/01/2011.
No pathological features in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain and cerebellum. No lesions in the skull base. No pathological lymph nodes in the area tested. The correct image of both lungs and liver and spleen. The physiological picture of the kidneys. The correct image of the bone marrow hematopoietic marrow in the bones of the body.
Rating: No features live tumor tissue.

MRI dated 21.3.2011, the (made in the outdoor unit):
residual small change at the top of the pyramid of the temporal bone with no impairment of gas exchange.
Rating: The study of PET / CT and performed in the outdoor unit of MRI imaging of 03/31/2011, have been presented at the meeting of our multidisciplinary team of cancer, and there discussed. There were no signs of active in the residual tumor.

The poterapeutycznej recommend further care in the first two years after completion of treatment to do at 3 months MRI of the skull, and at 3-monthly chest X-ray images. There is no need for routine testing of PET / CT, and should be performed only if abnormalities on MRI. "

We already know the date of the next control resonance in the head Igor USD Krakow. Per month and a half - 16 June. Then also perform a chest X-ray Igorkowi.
'll be fine. June 25 leaving the desired vacation. I believe that with a sense of peace and joy.
Children can no longer wait for holidays. Igor gearing up for pre-show. Is a dwarf and now grinds role:) Janoszek recovering from a history of angina. On Friday, we go with him to the autism specialist Dr Andrew throat.
Life goes on ... as it should.