Girls, my lack of notes is due to what ever time period of time.
I really appreciate your mail (very few) and very thank you.
Monday he was my end of the x) I wrote
test, which looks like a quiz so for me there is no difference. English
I passed at 85%, while the English got a beautiful and large "E".
12% gave a show, P
English is not "my" subject so I can justify in this way.
I had to very quickly from the university to be in the house since about 21 I had to attend the event. Thank God Witek threw me in the mega-fast pace.
Jumped the shower and then called Marcia or not I'd dropped off the books. Funny because I had long wet hair, wore a towel on his head and traveled to the max. Aroused consternation in light of the towel, but sometimes with such famous ideas.
As for the event itself certainly love to her place which is the club's 'Shadow'.
In a very fast pace with Aniela we reached up to 3 drinks and we decided to Take the Lead.
As always, not without wounds, Chris missed the ashtray that was holding on his knees and oparzyĆ me a cigarette. Ok. 4 in the morning with Aniela and Rafal we left the club.
Tuesday at work did not involved a number of "scandals", but about I have written this. If someone his own life does not motivate ba sow bored silly gossip about others and so in this topic.
Today (Thursday) morning I had to get up and drive to the church family as I went about 9 went to sleep again.
Ok. 1913 we went to lunch and the library where the "destroyed" almost 2 hours back home
nice gentlemen from the construction of dug my entry and I had to wait for it to bury. Mega cool

But they sent me my new shirt today, "Press". Old on his own ignorance I put the washing machine and currently I have it in 7 parts.
I have a terrible regret that I will not go on the derby because for me this day is a "feast."
But I decided on this so end of discussion.
I wanted to refer to a single theme. I noticed that many people commenting on "addicted" to my friends. The reason is their attack on any negative comment about my person.
I have no intention to intervene in this matter because it is the will of my friends.
What they write is their affair.
And I know that may not always be right, but therein lies the friendship.
Even if what I write may not be compatible with some moral principles or think they always will be me.
Whatever was happening, I know I can count on them for that they are that important to me.
I am going for them, and they follow me ..
know what this is?
That loyalty.
therefore count with the counter-attack.
As for the "giving advice".
As I once wrote.
If someone wants me to pay attention to certain facts or criticize, I would love to accept.
is only one rule. Not anonymously.
I can ask my good friend now that our "friendship" did not start from its criticism of my address to the mail. (Yours Sol! =)
Sunny weekend! :)
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