006_Zarost_krasnala_Hałabały.dpp [
Song Week:
Los Toreros Muertos
- Yo No Me Llamo Javier (1985)] ; The frequency of shaving in the world today is determined by many factors, but the main stems definitely fashion. Matter of convenience if they went into the background. Perhaps because it is difficult to define what is convenient in the world that all sides we are surrounded by ever newer shaving systems. Systems, because the whole process consists of a large number of components in which the razor is only a contractor. The presence of many catalysts and process wygładzaczy makes shaving comes to us without much pain. But if convenience is indeed a fast and painless shave? Or perhaps the rarest and his performance? Mystic Mist (such standing in the rain site: see the individual drops standing motionless), which I tuned to the input on the topics of paradigms suddenly disappeared this morning, replaced by the prose of life (weather, saying, continuous rains.) Next would be something about the influence of paradigms on zamkniętość minds and their connection with futurology, but frankly I do not hate wybiegać so in the future. Even more so, prose that this life has brought me today in the mail of the service "Carpe Diem 8.8.8. It was a response to a rather vaguely (this, in turn, the fog is a very dynamic) showing the possibility of making a complicated task. Anyway, I'm the author known for his philosophical and psychological approach to life, which always makes me more optimistic and for that I am very grateful to him. This situation has an impact is likely that he is a football coach, which in a country where the number 1 sport is hockey, not so easy.
Aha! Probably because few people understand what's going on including 8.8.8 (smokers, for example, can associate with the 555, were such cigarettes in Poland, probably not very popular, I do not smoke, but I saw the F1 car ever.) It is the guiding idea of \u200b\u200bmy colleague: "8 hours for working, eight hours for you, 8 hours for sleeping." Time for a third, though perhaps not in such an hourly basis. [Weekly song ] Los Toreros Muertos
is one of the most famous rock bands in the 80s in Spain. Then it just started in this beautiful country of moral relaxation, the best example is the above video. I also did not name is Xavier ...
Today's episode sponsored:
sequence (1, 0, 3, 4700063497, 6, 19147, 10669, 25, 9, 2228071, 18, 262279, 3763, 1995, 1010, 481, 20, 45 , 35, 2873, 2951, 3175999, 42, 555 ,...) - the point is that there was a 555 (mentioned by smokers, but also electronic engineers may be associated: NE555 timer.) Substring - k is the smallest number for which the remainder of the division two to the power of k by k is equal to the index of the item.
Hałabała dwarf, which unfortunately does not include in "- Classification of Occupations , but it is here:
Wrocław/TLK83102/Katowice, 10-14.01.2011
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