[ Song Week: Jaki Graham - Breaking Away (1986)] ¿Cómo
se dice en español sandwich? - Bocadillo - ¿Cómo? - Bo-ca-di-llo. So reads one of the classic textbooks on English language publishing house ... no, unfortunately, not that of Alcobendas (Which it once I come back to this town near Madrid, but it's not my fault that I'm being attacked by all sides - for example, recently the newspaper to television GW - the first page and the title of "Blonde Bombshells of Alcobendas" (In fact, Penelope Cruz, where he was born).)
parenthesis in parenthesis are generally very klarowna i ciekawa forma przedstawiania informacji. Rzekłbyś: neobalzakowska. Określam to tak dlatego, że moja matka całe życie utrzymuje, że twórczość Balzaca charakteryzuje się zdaniami wielokrotnie złożonymi. Być może. Ja szczerze mówiąc Balzaca aż tak dużo nie przeczytałem (jak ktoś wie ile tomów ma "Komedia ludzka" to chyba się nie zdziwi). W moim przypadku zdania składowe zastąpione są nawiasami składowymi. Informatyk może to sobie wyobrazić jako stos (ale nie makulatury, na którym pewnie lądowałby mój blog, gdyby ukazywał się w formie papierowej).
The solutions have in fact already fallen wielonawiasowe IT alone, and actually it's just copied them from the mathematicians. Except that on paper is easier to use parentheses different shapes. And it is instilled in us for many years mathematicians youthful rumieńczych [I had no erythema (or perhaps a blush), just as once decided zalegnąć at me you tick with your family (and a desperate, one of them near the place of intimate) is observed whether this form of redness I do not moves the body]. Parentheses foretaste of reform can be seen in the previous sentence. But I change the order. The most outside the brackets are constructed from standard characters, the more sophisticated will appear inside. This is because of the fact that at the start of parenthesis is not yet known how many will be in the middle, and correcting them after writing it unnecessary to return to the past. Hereby establishes the following hierarchy so parentheses:
- ()
- [] {}
- She had to be nutritious and eaten during about 15 minutes away via the platform 2 Katowice railway station. Unfortunately, however, put her on an alternative way of hiking one of the two female cat living in the place of action. Unluckily, that day had just that, much more difficult (requiring two strokes), choose the most appropriate way. Heroically trying to stop her from wdepnięcia in lard, I felt deep scratches on the right forearm. It was a punishment for trivial belief that a female cat just turn back. I decided to jump. Sandwich has been saved and thanks to all of the action they ate more and was able to sit at the computer till the end of working day in the delta of the Yangtze River. do not know if it is readily apparent, but we have a modest anniversary. Episode 010 dec rather than bin, or hex;). At this point, this paragraph becomes boring and jump to the next.
- And in the next impression of busy lately, "Gwarka" (the former name of the train TLK45103). Briefly and succinctly: between 5 and 8 people on the train rather want to sleep. Even the Italians talking on the phone. Unfortunately, there is no division the sleeper compartments, readers and konwersatorów (caller, not to be confused with the conservators, which in turn would do much more). It should therefore be prepared for example, that prayer may be distorted by rozwrzeszczaną youth. Fortunately, concerned representative of the Order managed to at least minimize the content in these screaming curses. A replay of the entertainment tomorrow morning.
- [Weekly song] song, for my taste, very average. Optimistic, with an average speed (or dance, or to the rosary). However, amazingly I liked the music video scene in the pool. This from the masters of the green and yellow slipkach mattresses with discount stores (warn against their quality, use only the yellow lines, which are for non-swimmers). Enjoy the beauty of the Southern European idyll ...
- Today's episode sponsored:
unpredictable sequence of events
yellow mattress
dubious quality, an array directivity "Gwarka" (Photo from the collection of Arkadiusz Karbowniczka):
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