Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Make Your Own Boobies Bracelet


I used to repeat that in our misfortune that we have a lot of luck. And most importantly always come across great people. Exceptional. Miraculous.
Some just come to know others discover anew.
family, friendship, sacrifice, empathy, help .... These words carry the new meaning to us, have a new value and definition ....
perceive time differently. The time given to us. What counts is the moment, the moment. Tasting life and cut into small pieces. On Sunday, Alberta
honored in Warsaw. Award received on behalf of our friend, Rotarian Bogus Mackiewicz.
wonderful moment. We were thrilled ...
But we are aware that recipients of this award as you are. And all the Little Orchestra of Great Help. Without you there would be no nexus of events that led to the creation of the Foundation. Were it not for your militia not would have faith and hope for other children heaving burden of disease.
In fact, you are "friends of the family." Our own - and many others who are helping. Thank you.
http://faktyoswiecim.pl/index.php/fakty/aktualnosci/5130-warszawa-albert-bartosz-przyjacielem-rodziny-2010 # comments
Congratulations Honey!


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