[ Week song (link below the article): Michael Jackson - Sunset Driver
Gelsenkirchen - a city in the Ruhr Valley. Formerly an important mining center. Undergone a transformation. I guess so effective that Raul, who could easily find a place in another English club, decided to move there. And that reminds me Gelsenkirchen? Any of the cities in the Metropolis Silesia. Which? Search the issue of similarities between the cities should deal with the Institute for Alternative
, but something recently has the influx of work and he is not able to publish. I'm going with. If the transformation went in the Ruhr, Silesia is a twin and so too must become! I would just like to have someone explain to me how attracted the saying: "Life as in Madrid?
] [music video (unofficial, installation of an amateur)]
Simply beautiful disco-funk tip climates 70s. At the same time styling Off The Wall album, which had penetrated the track, has asked something fresh. As an aside: I was always wondering whether the name taken half a year later by the Pink Floyd album The Wall was a response to the work of 21-year-old Michael Jackson. You probably do not have a relationship, but you can always think. Today's episode sponsored:
sequence (1, 2, 5, 16, 55, 225, 949th ..) - the number of possible patterns of a brick wall the size of 1x2 (the index is the number of bricks available.) It's probably best to give an example of drawing: http://oeis.org/A057973/a057973.gif . String found by typing a word wall in the encyclopedia strings
- No. 314201 of the profession "
- Classification of Occupations : Seed laboratory worker. Somewhere Polish, 23/12/2010
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