That kind of course. Already
one time I met with the question of why WIP done in circles, on circular knitting, in the laps so annoyingly turns up? And who let her do it?
answer is simple - but I'll start from the tale.
When I was 6 or 7 years old, my grandmother taught me knitting. Well, I knit, let's be honest. Li and only. Thanks to my Barbie (actually Gert) enriched by a striped, blue and white sleeveless sweater square. Then somehow I managed to master the left eye, I began to do dżersejem i. .. It turned out that my dzierganina instead of looking like a field full of ears, zygzaczkuje alarmingly. Mesh is not symmetrical, one half of the projects. Och, jak ja się denerwowałam, że krzywo robię...
I dopiero 10 lat po mojej inicjacji robótkowej miałam okazję porozmawiać z innym fachowcem - przyjaciółką mojej Mamy, Mirelką. Mirela popatrzyła na moje wypociny, pokiwała głową i zawyrokowała: "Robisz przekręcone prawe oczka!" Pan Jourdain nie wiedział, że mówi prozą, a ja - że oczka mogą być różne. Ano mogą. Te klasyczne, kontynentalne przydają się przy zwykłym dzierganiu tam i z powrotem dżersejem (ściegiem pończoszniczym) i wszelkimi ściegami dżersejopochodnymi (ażury itp.). Te przekręcone zaś niezastąpione French is the stitch (Aha! Hence these learned just as the first, sweater-debut was made righteous just the same!), and above all in the robot in the laps.
How it looks exactly? When we process
normal right eye, who gets the wool from your finger from the top (yarn runs between the finger and the wire.)
But here you can see that the yarn is arranged differently. Slide the wire into the yarn (so it runs between knitting and wire). It's in my descriptions is called the right eye przekręconym.
and classic mesh is left - seizing the yarn from the bottom.
A twisted left eye here - yarn wrapped around the wire work and then runs between the wire and knitting.
I hope I have explained the differences clearly, and the images are fairly clear. This is how the mesh processing determines a twisting tunnel (hats, socks, golf, chimney) robionego in laps.
It should also be noted that what is presented here as a distorted mesh, some mince as usual and turn in the opposite order processing. I admit that I'm doing the same mesh as righteous, because I go out much zgrabniejsze:) The forums these methods are described as a classic and heretical - can you dig in search of interesting discussions:)
A knitting question: Christmas cards to kill, and what you can see above on wires, the KWR - The creative use of leftovers. It will be crazy and colorful, something like sweaters Lines of "Opium in the broth, "and is motivated by the fact that Mr. Son is worn in a sling.
Oh, I finish even slippers to a young man (age 7), who wished these slippers," my mom has .
answer - I'm glad to share my MagicLoopowa beings is increasing - because the method is worth promoting:) Happy knitting!
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