... again ... Freiburg
drove to Freiburg. The journey lasted about 10 godzin, więc zgodnie z założeniami. Igorek zniósł uciążliwości dzielnie i zaczął „marudkać” dopiero w okolicach Stuttgartu.
Oczywiście trochę po dojeździe błądziliśmy, bo choć jesteśmy szczęśliwymi posiadaczami GPSa, to okazało się, że nasza Gosia mieszka w Au - tuż za miastem i zrobiło się zamieszanie z ulicami. Może to nawet lepiej, bo jak nas już zobaczyła i stwierdziła, że dojechaliśmy szczęśliwie, wydawało się, że nie wypuści nas z ramion.
W czwartek rozpoczęliśmy dzień od wizyty w klinice. Jeszcze w korytarzu, spotkaliśmy prof. Kontnego that despite the fact that he drove somewhere, he had a "passing" to tell us how it will look like our "schedule".
Igorkowi done preliminary studies and sets the date of PET for tomorrow (Friday) at noon. 8.00. After that initial consultation, and on Friday we should know the initial assessment of doctors. Professor in the Department visited us in the afternoon and we spent a lot of time. He was very nice, told me exactly. Igor looks like the status and told us one very important thing ...
When we were here before, Udo Kontny had told the us that the most important and groundbreaking is the first year after an illness. He said that after this period, with each passing day the chances of survival are growing child. Later at home, we wondered with Monica as the years count? Is the end of intravenous chemotherapy, or after the end of the tablet? It bothered us greatly, and of course to take this opportunity, we asked for a professor. It turned out that this year is counted from the day .... the diagnosis. So ... is behind us :):):). And now every day will be only better. Tomorrow, the PET, it will be only confirmed. Keep your fingers crossed!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Pokemon Season 1 Stream Sub Jap
I praise the mother
Truscaveczka responsible
Barbaro, Igor = vigor:)
Tkaitko , czasopożeraczem is my main professional work (translation), Pikus children are at the same time. Mr. Pikus.
Kachazet - do not want to let it, but I must:)
CU @ 5 - one day ... Because what I'm doing until after two rows of jackets per day (
Urszula Grazyna , thanks:)
Agatha, my overzealous spamożer eats things you need, so I do not know which is worse;)
Artesanko , fight, fight:)
This bag made by my very talented mother and rozszydełkowaną:)
cord, hook 1.5 mm, lining fabric.
Barbaro, Igor = vigor:)
Tkaitko , czasopożeraczem is my main professional work (translation), Pikus children are at the same time. Mr. Pikus.
Kachazet - do not want to let it, but I must:)
CU @ 5 - one day ... Because what I'm doing until after two rows of jackets per day (
Urszula Grazyna , thanks:)
Agatha, my overzealous spamożer eats things you need, so I do not know which is worse;)
Artesanko , fight, fight:)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Is Owning A Salonprofitable
PKP Polish or mockery of the Passenger
As you know, we were in Olsztyn on research Igor. For security reasons, we decided to embark on a journey by train. In truth, it was our first, far, travel station. Previously, we did not do this because I have heard many bad things, the next time we will not do that for sure, this time based on personal experience.
circus has already begun at the station at Auschwitz, a few days before departure, when I decided to buy the tickets because they obviously do this on - line 'is not possible. Lady at the counter did not have access Internet, so I do not know what stores to sell me tickets. She told me that I have to know what he wants and I saw clearly that it considers that the picking. Then I experienced a shock after the purchase price, but that's really my fault because I should have to ask the price before I decided on this trip.
continued our adventure was at the train station in Katowice. Of course, nobody knew the details of which will leave the train platform on which we waited. Here we learned that probably the third, but not sure and you have to listen to previews. Well waited. Delicacy of the situation added that it was almost midnight and burn at the hands of Igor Monica. I am running with suitcases, trying to find out anything. When we have the right platform, trying to determine where it will be convertible, we've been assigned. After asking the right question conductor standing on the platform, I got an immediate "opierdziel" by what authority I ask him about anything? The argument that it is an employee of the station and the train conductor only deepened his frustration. Finally, ostentatiously turned to me clearly giving me to understand that I can give him at best .... guess what.
As is the case in such instances, our car was on the other side of the warehouse. Dobiegliśmy there with the posted tongues and were immediately exposed to a dialogue with another conductor. The requested evidence of the merits of buying tickets at a discount for a sick child. But he was human, he let get in and find those documents out of the box. When after a few minutes, I showed him the decision about niepełnosprawaności Igorka and referral to a doctor in Olsztyn (with the date), Mr. conductor documents along with tickets .... It took. He stated that he would give the morning and that my doubts about such behavior conflicts with the Law on the Protection of personal data do not interest him.
the same cars were pretty nice. There was even a mineral water brand cloths and croissants in which there are more preservatives than flour. Of course, the image must have been affected by the condition of toilets and heating, which operated in two versions. On the "full" or not at all. We arrived safely
Olsztyn and in the imported good information there, I thought I'd give the peace of mind. Thinking that I forgot that still waiting for my return ....
alive to the world of cut from the "Alternative 4", "Cruise" and "Conversations controlled," I returned as soon as we got on the train. The conductor asked again, the supporting documentation entitled to travel with a sick child. The problem was that the certificate of disability, but still we have no referral. It was after all in the hospital. Such arguments are not redirected for a long time to master the conductor, who every now and then informed me that I would be punished, because I must have a Photocopying. Of course, this that something I should have, was something new, but who would be there in the station such petty cares. Here's my patience was strongly affected, because the Lord guard me imputował clear that I am a deceiver and probably somewhere I go to his family at taxpayer expense. That showed him tickets to travel the previous day, which was verified by his friends (they had to see a referral for testing) does not convince him nohow and was ready to defend the idea of \u200b\u200bpunishing us like independence. Only solidarity and strong reaction from fellow passengers, a dozen or so, she woke Lord of the doubt. Coming out of the car twice repeated that he gives me instructions. That the instruction did not wish, no longer heard. Previously, he was kindly informed me that he was stupid rules with their superiors will not be discussed, and so no one will listen and at most "would roll down his bonus." Then
Katowice was almost without incident. Just where did przesiadaliśmy station, which was waiting in a container, but nobody knew so little wandered. Once again, nothing in the sauna heating and almost half hour delay which no one informed us, so we sat the last part of the journey for jackets ... and a ticket for parking next to the station. Of course, the day before I asked the police whether the vehicle is labeled "carriage of a disabled person" can stand there, and I received confirmation that, yes. This does not affect the "barejowskie" realities. In reality associated with the station, full of contempt not only for passengers but for the man. The reality in the long run, the more terrible, that probably irreformable. Reality, which is largely related to the mentality of people working in this company for years, which is in a state of things well, so I do not have any motivation to change something.
How do you want to be healthy, mentally, for example, may God protects you from station. For them, making one of you bandits and such treatment, it's great, and for you who have to fight for the lives of their children chrych is another step towards madness. But who cares ...
As you know, we were in Olsztyn on research Igor. For security reasons, we decided to embark on a journey by train. In truth, it was our first, far, travel station. Previously, we did not do this because I have heard many bad things, the next time we will not do that for sure, this time based on personal experience.
circus has already begun at the station at Auschwitz, a few days before departure, when I decided to buy the tickets because they obviously do this on - line 'is not possible. Lady at the counter did not have access Internet, so I do not know what stores to sell me tickets. She told me that I have to know what he wants and I saw clearly that it considers that the picking. Then I experienced a shock after the purchase price, but that's really my fault because I should have to ask the price before I decided on this trip.
continued our adventure was at the train station in Katowice. Of course, nobody knew the details of which will leave the train platform on which we waited. Here we learned that probably the third, but not sure and you have to listen to previews. Well waited. Delicacy of the situation added that it was almost midnight and burn at the hands of Igor Monica. I am running with suitcases, trying to find out anything. When we have the right platform, trying to determine where it will be convertible, we've been assigned. After asking the right question conductor standing on the platform, I got an immediate "opierdziel" by what authority I ask him about anything? The argument that it is an employee of the station and the train conductor only deepened his frustration. Finally, ostentatiously turned to me clearly giving me to understand that I can give him at best .... guess what.
As is the case in such instances, our car was on the other side of the warehouse. Dobiegliśmy there with the posted tongues and were immediately exposed to a dialogue with another conductor. The requested evidence of the merits of buying tickets at a discount for a sick child. But he was human, he let get in and find those documents out of the box. When after a few minutes, I showed him the decision about niepełnosprawaności Igorka and referral to a doctor in Olsztyn (with the date), Mr. conductor documents along with tickets .... It took. He stated that he would give the morning and that my doubts about such behavior conflicts with the Law on the Protection of personal data do not interest him.
the same cars were pretty nice. There was even a mineral water brand cloths and croissants in which there are more preservatives than flour. Of course, the image must have been affected by the condition of toilets and heating, which operated in two versions. On the "full" or not at all. We arrived safely
Olsztyn and in the imported good information there, I thought I'd give the peace of mind. Thinking that I forgot that still waiting for my return ....
alive to the world of cut from the "Alternative 4", "Cruise" and "Conversations controlled," I returned as soon as we got on the train. The conductor asked again, the supporting documentation entitled to travel with a sick child. The problem was that the certificate of disability, but still we have no referral. It was after all in the hospital. Such arguments are not redirected for a long time to master the conductor, who every now and then informed me that I would be punished, because I must have a Photocopying. Of course, this that something I should have, was something new, but who would be there in the station such petty cares. Here's my patience was strongly affected, because the Lord guard me imputował clear that I am a deceiver and probably somewhere I go to his family at taxpayer expense. That showed him tickets to travel the previous day, which was verified by his friends (they had to see a referral for testing) does not convince him nohow and was ready to defend the idea of \u200b\u200bpunishing us like independence. Only solidarity and strong reaction from fellow passengers, a dozen or so, she woke Lord of the doubt. Coming out of the car twice repeated that he gives me instructions. That the instruction did not wish, no longer heard. Previously, he was kindly informed me that he was stupid rules with their superiors will not be discussed, and so no one will listen and at most "would roll down his bonus." Then
Katowice was almost without incident. Just where did przesiadaliśmy station, which was waiting in a container, but nobody knew so little wandered. Once again, nothing in the sauna heating and almost half hour delay which no one informed us, so we sat the last part of the journey for jackets ... and a ticket for parking next to the station. Of course, the day before I asked the police whether the vehicle is labeled "carriage of a disabled person" can stand there, and I received confirmation that, yes. This does not affect the "barejowskie" realities. In reality associated with the station, full of contempt not only for passengers but for the man. The reality in the long run, the more terrible, that probably irreformable. Reality, which is largely related to the mentality of people working in this company for years, which is in a state of things well, so I do not have any motivation to change something.
How do you want to be healthy, mentally, for example, may God protects you from station. For them, making one of you bandits and such treatment, it's great, and for you who have to fight for the lives of their children chrych is another step towards madness. But who cares ...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
How To Put Lacrosse Helmet Tilt
[ Song Week: Andrzej Zaucha - Song for awakening (1987)]
mezochronizmu quintessence lies in the fact that successive two events may occur next to each other, but equally they may be distant from one another by nearly two periods (in this case, weeks). Witness this phenomenon first every reader is at this very moment (about 10 minutes difference between the publication of 016, and 017). The other extreme will try to bowl on the issue of 018_ *. DPP, but I can not promise. For such a thing needs to be prepared mentally, because these are two weeks of idleness in the literature (for the passive and active).
reason for this whole mess is that I have a moment disappear. Disappearance of the cause is often a lot of repercussions, but it is mainly the disappearance, which are not recorded anywhere. I will, because it disappears in a certain direction and purpose.
difference between the disappearance of a flight? Escape is a specific variant of the disappearance (like a square rectangle), we can say that escape is the disappearance of deliberately missing (ie, the square is a rectangle with all sides equal). Just as the hero of the week I use the songs to the bus, but not the state. Backpack from the closet also take I do not have, because it is my daily thoughts container, data, food and sometimes swimming. I also wonder whether the form of my trip can be called communication. Public transport is used only from point A to B (possibly with a change in point:
change of g (pronounced ge) made it faster gravity pulled me towards the mundane subjects correlated with the bus poprzednioakapitowym wool-gathering (bent: a swing planes in the clouds). Bring it the bus a few reflections from previous years:
[Weekly song ]
to this song more appropriate as the title of "Escape PKSem '). They say it's the best voice in the history of popular music in Poland. My generation will associate him with the song to Gummi Bears cartoons. Andrew Zauchy Aranż songs is a little poor, but they are familiar texts.) Unfortunately it is not already able to create anything new: (.
sponsored Today's episode:
[ Song Week: Andrzej Zaucha - Song for awakening (1987)]
mezochronizmu quintessence lies in the fact that successive two events may occur next to each other, but equally they may be distant from one another by nearly two periods (in this case, weeks). Witness this phenomenon first every reader is at this very moment (about 10 minutes difference between the publication of 016, and 017). The other extreme will try to bowl on the issue of 018_ *. DPP, but I can not promise. For such a thing needs to be prepared mentally, because these are two weeks of idleness in the literature (for the passive and active).
reason for this whole mess is that I have a moment disappear. Disappearance of the cause is often a lot of repercussions, but it is mainly the disappearance, which are not recorded anywhere. I will, because it disappears in a certain direction and purpose.
difference between the disappearance of a flight? Escape is a specific variant of the disappearance (like a square rectangle), we can say that escape is the disappearance of deliberately missing (ie, the square is a rectangle with all sides equal). Just as the hero of the week I use the songs to the bus, but not the state. Backpack from the closet also take I do not have, because it is my daily thoughts container, data, food and sometimes swimming. I also wonder whether the form of my trip can be called communication. Public transport is used only from point A to B (possibly with a change in point:
- ¥ - mainly in Poland
- À - mainly in Italy, France, Portugal, Catalonia and Galicia (the one from A Coruña, and not Lvov)
- Á - mainly in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Faroe Islands, Hungary and Iceland
- Â - mainly in Romania
- Ã - mostly in Portugal
- connection - mainly in Germany, Finland, Estonia and Sweden
- Å - mainly in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
- Æ - mainly in Denmark, Norway and Iceland
change of g (pronounced ge) made it faster gravity pulled me towards the mundane subjects correlated with the bus poprzednioakapitowym wool-gathering (bent: a swing planes in the clouds). Bring it the bus a few reflections from previous years:
- PKSa design not only has an impact on whether the bike can go to the trunk or not. The main role plays here the will of the driver.
- thought Continuing from the previous point: I do not know whether all Autosan H9 are of similar design, but if so, the bike can be put into the hold of "knife". Poking him along the bus to slide the steering wheel and pedals for zawadzającą headland or something like that.
- Indecision passenger may raise eyebrows with the driver the ticket seller. I once witnessed a passenger wondered aloud whether or not stop at A or B: "I know ...". To which the driver: "And I have to know?" Well, you talked ...
- not be surprised how, in the effective management of time, the driver stops at an inn surrounding such tripe. Fortunately ordered in advance and brought to the cockpit.
- PKSów In Spain, the driver saves the brakes in hilly driving conditions.
- existential problem: what is the boundary between urban bus and PKSem? I know that a very thin, but whether it relates to the possession or lack of automatically opened doors, timetables, rolling stock used or the length of the route? To consider as soon as possible ...
[Weekly song ]
to this song more appropriate as the title of "Escape PKSem '). They say it's the best voice in the history of popular music in Poland. My generation will associate him with the song to Gummi Bears cartoons. Andrew Zauchy Aranż songs is a little poor, but they are familiar texts.) Unfortunately it is not already able to create anything new: (.
sponsored Today's episode:
- Prague sequence of bus clock: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 , 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, ...). It should be analyzed in fours. Each foursome is the hour (eg, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0:00, etc.). On the string is comprised of all four with numbers, which mirror their representation on the classic seven segment display is also a digit. 0 goes into 0, 1, 1, 2, 5, 5, 2, 8 in eighth But the eight eliminated, because the mirror image will never generate a reasonable hour, eg 8:25 to 25:80 go. It should also be careful with the 5, but that's rozkmińcie themselves ... Analysis of mirror reflections in my opinion, very reasonable, people may be looking in the wrong thickness of the glass.
- profession No 832,201 from " Classification of Occupations ": bus driver
- cult Autosan H9 in painting one of my favorite carriers:
Farm Lessons 14 English
[ Week song (link below the article): Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy (2001)]
I will start with a quote thinker who was born probably in the 30s of the twentieth century (it is inferred from this passage, it is not difficult to guess where exactly):
"Environmental Protection in a reasonable range is useful, although it is only a struggle with the consequences. The reason there are people because they destroy the environment and the more of them is all the more the environment is destroyed. As I went to school a teacher said that in Poland, lived 24 million people, and now there are 36 million, up 50% more. As it happens, that people take to the children, and official propaganda says that in Poland there are too few children, this is where it took an additional 12 million people? Well, for propaganda, the facts do not matter! "
begins to give birth to me the competition. The work from which the quoted fragment (Janusz Dowgiert:" Passion for obstruction of Life ") also roznoszone is in the form of paper (hit to me through the mailbox), and even thought there are proclaimed as absurd as the DPP ###_*.;). But I wonder how the fellow musician as much dislike for children. I suspect that these are some unpleasant experiences. Also in the middle sympathy leave this topic.
What bothers us, what bores us? In principle, this question may help in locating causes of misfortune, not only this one person. Can make us weary repetitiveness. Even as the skeleton is based on the repetition of something exciting and educating. The best example is a share-educational rozweselająco carried on packs / pots wide variety of foods. Satisfactory enough for the average wypijacza sweetened drinks passwords diversity has been achieved only on the capsules Tymbark juices. With them went Tarczyn blow. These juices have a cap, so the analysis (to fit more "rozkminianie", but towards the brand with tradition, do not use today's lingo), one can dispense a label, just as he soczek. This advantage was used to carry the mission (and that word could stop if was called much less virulent media, public) education.
few examples of successful, so now it's time for these less successful (from my observation, I could be wrong):
knockin may work. If someone likes your occupation is any activity is quite happy in the same sense as idleness at any other business.
[Weekly song ]
Jamiroquai is a funk disco mainstay in the modern form (well, actually started from acid jazz and I guess that is their main stream). Particularly successful in this respect was the album "A Funk Odyssey" in 2001. As the attached picture you can see - singer, Mr Jay Kay, is able to articulate their thoughts, even under water.
Today's episode sponsored:
Metropolitan Silesia, week 12 of 2010
[ Week song (link below the article): Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy (2001)]
I will start with a quote thinker who was born probably in the 30s of the twentieth century (it is inferred from this passage, it is not difficult to guess where exactly):
"Environmental Protection in a reasonable range is useful, although it is only a struggle with the consequences. The reason there are people because they destroy the environment and the more of them is all the more the environment is destroyed. As I went to school a teacher said that in Poland, lived 24 million people, and now there are 36 million, up 50% more. As it happens, that people take to the children, and official propaganda says that in Poland there are too few children, this is where it took an additional 12 million people? Well, for propaganda, the facts do not matter! "
begins to give birth to me the competition. The work from which the quoted fragment (Janusz Dowgiert:" Passion for obstruction of Life ") also roznoszone is in the form of paper (hit to me through the mailbox), and even thought there are proclaimed as absurd as the DPP ###_*.;). But I wonder how the fellow musician as much dislike for children. I suspect that these are some unpleasant experiences. Also in the middle sympathy leave this topic.
What bothers us, what bores us? In principle, this question may help in locating causes of misfortune, not only this one person. Can make us weary repetitiveness. Even as the skeleton is based on the repetition of something exciting and educating. The best example is a share-educational rozweselająco carried on packs / pots wide variety of foods. Satisfactory enough for the average wypijacza sweetened drinks passwords diversity has been achieved only on the capsules Tymbark juices. With them went Tarczyn blow. These juices have a cap, so the analysis (to fit more "rozkminianie", but towards the brand with tradition, do not use today's lingo), one can dispense a label, just as he soczek. This advantage was used to carry the mission (and that word could stop if was called much less virulent media, public) education.
few examples of successful, so now it's time for these less successful (from my observation, I could be wrong):
- Mieszko fudge - the problem occurs here in the so-called. lack of scrambling. Skramblować = stir (or mix). In the microworld of sweets, this means that globally there are many of the ruling on the paper, but locally, we bought the lot, often come across the same.
- tea Sun Field (Ceylon with "Ladybugs") - that is, repetition of the second, more painful, kind of. It consists of a small set of information used throughout the series. In this case a Chinese fortune telling that I already know by heart.
- Dilmah teas series of comic books - repeatability in a similar way as in the case of tea with the Ladybugs, but repeatability is in this case, heightened by the fact that the product is in its early stages.
knockin may work. If someone likes your occupation is any activity is quite happy in the same sense as idleness at any other business.
[Weekly song ]
Jamiroquai is a funk disco mainstay in the modern form (well, actually started from acid jazz and I guess that is their main stream). Particularly successful in this respect was the album "A Funk Odyssey" in 2001. As the attached picture you can see - singer, Mr Jay Kay, is able to articulate their thoughts, even under water.
Today's episode sponsored:
- simple periodic sequence (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ,...) as a tribute to the repeatability
- model (and maybe oldskulowy?) Oscilloscope
Metropolitan Silesia, week 12 of 2010
Friday, March 25, 2011
How Much Is My Yugioh Deck Worth
.... result of resonance
This morning I received an email from Olsztyn. Ms. MRI radiologist describing craniofacial wrote: "Change in the pyramid of the temporal bone on the right side has the dimensions 13x17x19mm, so comparable with the level of September 2010 (millimeters difference may result from the method of measurement). (...) internal carotid artery, which adjoins the change is the correct width ".
1-0 for us! Tumor size is not increased! We believe that it is dead (and will remain so forever. Amen) and PET only stablish us in this belief!
sun shines on us today with joy!
Life is a miracle!
On Thursday he was with us from Iwo Mr. Viva, who is preparing a text on Igorku the Christmas issue of the magazine. We had a laugh to tears sitting in the Christmas scenery and painting Easter eggs ... Only structured as always Janoszek said control posts: And why paint eggs, after all, is not yet on April 23?
already corresponds to our dear Gretel from Freiburg. Bouncing details of departure and stay and we look forward to meeting our common ....
Goshia recently sent me an email from a very wise words. Pasting them - for you and for themselves - so they do not get lost and do not forget:)
This morning I received an email from Olsztyn. Ms. MRI radiologist describing craniofacial wrote: "Change in the pyramid of the temporal bone on the right side has the dimensions 13x17x19mm, so comparable with the level of September 2010 (millimeters difference may result from the method of measurement). (...) internal carotid artery, which adjoins the change is the correct width ".
1-0 for us! Tumor size is not increased! We believe that it is dead (and will remain so forever. Amen) and PET only stablish us in this belief!
sun shines on us today with joy!
Life is a miracle!
On Thursday he was with us from Iwo Mr. Viva, who is preparing a text on Igorku the Christmas issue of the magazine. We had a laugh to tears sitting in the Christmas scenery and painting Easter eggs ... Only structured as always Janoszek said control posts: And why paint eggs, after all, is not yet on April 23?
already corresponds to our dear Gretel from Freiburg. Bouncing details of departure and stay and we look forward to meeting our common ....
Goshia recently sent me an email from a very wise words. Pasting them - for you and for themselves - so they do not get lost and do not forget:)
Watch your thoughts, because they will be your words.
Watch your words, because your actions will be.
Watch your actions, because your habits are.
Watch your habits, because your character will be.
Watch your character, because it will be your fate.
(from the notes of one of the monasteries in England)And with these wise words przedweekendowo you leave:)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
What Is Canadian Lacrosse Mesh
... Spring goes
... sweet home
Two nights on the road and one day spent in Olsztyn ... to już za nami. Rezonans wykonany. Teraz czekamy na wynik i planujemy podróż do Freiburga.
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w przedziale sypialnym jazda PKP może być przyjemna... |
Igorek był bardzo szczęśliwy, że uczestniczy w „fajnej wycieczce” i „tyle razy jedzie pociągiem”. W Olsztynie byliśmy o 10 rano. Mieliśmy sporo czasu, więc udaliśmy się do kina i wspólnie obejrzeliśmy film pt. „Matka w mackach Marsa”. Potem w drodze do pracowni rezonansu przespacerowaliśmy się po ślicznej olsztyńskiej starówce – w efekcie Igorek był tak zmęczony, że tuż przed badaniem naturalnie zasnął. Wcześniej jeszcze zniósł dzielnie nakłucie żyły i założenie motylka, którym zaaplikowano mu później kontrast. Ten błogosławiony sen, który spadł Igorkowi na oczka, zaoszczędził nam i jemu samemu stresu leżenia w bezruchu przez godzinę – tyle bowiem trwało badanie…
Przemiły personel MRI robił co tylko mógł, aby wszystko przebiegało gładko i sprawnie. No i mogliśmy oczywiście (ponownie) liczyć na miłe towarzystwo i smaczną kawę.
W Olsztynie odczuwam dobrą energię - Albert said, when we came back and pretended Olsztyn promenade at lunch. Now firmly under our noses smiling aunt Camille, from which the skill of "seeing auras and sense the energy to Albert, not once podśmiewał .... And now I feel it. Good sign? Yes!
was March 21-first day of spring, and another day of hope for Igor. For us. Hope that all is well and that it already is ...
waiting for the result and are preparing for the journey to Freiburg ...
But before we go further on the outstanding outing in the mountains - to Koszarawa. With friends and your friends. We gain strength before the next expedition.
.............................................. ......................
Good Spirit
Before leaving, yet we were able to take part in an event organized by the International Youth Meeting - Annual Meeting of the Good Spirits. The motive for this year's event was a shell ... Each household in the thresholds IYMC receive this humble and cozy cottage snail (and other molluscs), serving as a beautiful natural luster, interior decoration, and even a musical instrument in many peoples seen as a protective talisman before the fire, pointing out the road, guarding against a bad spell and to ensure fertility and prosperity ....
As you know, pearl shells are born .... Meeting House on Sunday night ... These pearls wyławiał IYMC The band shell has presented itself Gaba Kulka - talented singer and pianist of the extremely rich imagination and a fantastic voice!
![]() |
Martin for the first concert of David-MOWP |
That evening MDSM also awarded special people ... Real pearls. This year we received a statuette of the Good Spirit, including Martin Boiński. Our
What to write, to write down everything that would have wanted?
friend. High school pal. Musician. Pillar and co-founder of the Little Orchestra of Great Help.
boy with a guitar.
Forever young, charismatic, committed i. .. reflective at the same time. A wise and sensitive. Fantastic
Milka and Veronica's father and devoted husband of the most charming Ani.
man of many talents (now probably ends to create furniture for the kitchen, carpentry course of virtuosity).
organizer of many musical events - not only at Auschwitz. It is not always on stage, the limelight, and the instrument in his hands - often portrayed as the hero of the second plan - the sound engineer who sat for the desktop ... and growing constantly scrolling some cables ...
appears and disappears. As the Spirit.
But there is ... It is always when you need it.
Martin picked up the statuette in the category IYMC - rescuer.
saved and saves many. We also rescued.
saved and saves many. We also rescued.
good that you're a Martin ...
Good Spirit. Be
Page Martin http://www.myspace.com/marcinboinski
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Bamoun Ngouoni Festival
Today in the net I found a telegram PAP. Further good news in the fight against cancer ... ?
- Novel anti-cancer vaccines and other types of gene therapy in which DNA will be used instead of mRNA, which is the genetic recipe for a protein, may soon be created by the invention of scientists from the Department of Physics, University of Warsaw (FUW).
FUW Polish chemists, in collaboration with researchers from Louisiana State University, managed to modify the mRNA ribonucleic acid - which is the matrix cells to produce proteins - that three times has increased its durability and efficiency of protein synthesis with his participation has increased fivefold. In this way, it will be possible to use in anticancer vaccines mRNA or gene therapies that are safer and more effective than those currently being tested - the authors say.
- We biologists universal tool that could allow the development of effective vaccines against any malignant disease - provide participating in the study, Dr. Jacek Jemielity of Biophysics FUW.
license for the production of the modified mRNA has already been bought by a German company BioNTech of Mainz. The company announced that its subsidiary named Ribological even in 2011 will begin the first phase of clinical trials of new anticancer vaccine based on the mRNA. It is found apply in the first place in the treatment of malignant skin cancer - melanoma.
preparation will be injected into the lymph nodes of patients, and immune cells present there - the so-called. Dendritic - make use of its mRNA (which contains the recipe for proteins characteristic of cancer cells) to train T cells to kill melanoma cells.
Under the agreement, researchers from the FUW produce modified mRNA termination in an amount to ensure conduct of clinical research.
Scientists for years trying to use gene therapy to treat many diseases, including cancer. Currently, it consists in making changes at the DNA level in tumor cells, namely the introduction into cells of different therapeutic genes whose mutations are responsible for tumor growth. These include genes encoding proteins responsible for inhibiting the replication of cells, with their self-inflicted death (apoptosis) or stimulating tumor cell destruction by the immune system.
Genetic modification is also used in the development of anticancer vaccines. They consist in introducing resistance genes into the cells through which the immune system learns to better recognize and destroy cancer.
More: http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/nauka/polski-wynalazek-pomoze-w-leczeniu-raka, 1.4214511, wiadomosc.html
And here is our dear Janoszek tv shows in the school "Fact Four" Mauro your dog:) - see 5 min. 20 sec. relationship:
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resonance 3-teslowy Hospital in Olsztyn |
Tonight we head to Olsztyn ... First car to Katowice and then use the services will only PKP.W home on Tuesday around 7.00 am. We go on sleeping car, so we hope that Igor does not suffer hardships of the journey ... He has a very - it's generation of kids, for which the train ride is a great attraction ...
Tomorrow at 14.00 in the university hospital waiting for an exhaustive examination of Igor. This means that at least five hours earlier will not eat or drink anything. It must be on an empty stomach-testing is performed with contrast. Then he stuck for minutes. 30 minutes. We believe that strength. How many times before ... Today in the net I found a telegram PAP. Further good news in the fight against cancer ... ?
- Novel anti-cancer vaccines and other types of gene therapy in which DNA will be used instead of mRNA, which is the genetic recipe for a protein, may soon be created by the invention of scientists from the Department of Physics, University of Warsaw (FUW).
FUW Polish chemists, in collaboration with researchers from Louisiana State University, managed to modify the mRNA ribonucleic acid - which is the matrix cells to produce proteins - that three times has increased its durability and efficiency of protein synthesis with his participation has increased fivefold. In this way, it will be possible to use in anticancer vaccines mRNA or gene therapies that are safer and more effective than those currently being tested - the authors say.
- We biologists universal tool that could allow the development of effective vaccines against any malignant disease - provide participating in the study, Dr. Jacek Jemielity of Biophysics FUW.
license for the production of the modified mRNA has already been bought by a German company BioNTech of Mainz. The company announced that its subsidiary named Ribological even in 2011 will begin the first phase of clinical trials of new anticancer vaccine based on the mRNA. It is found apply in the first place in the treatment of malignant skin cancer - melanoma.
preparation will be injected into the lymph nodes of patients, and immune cells present there - the so-called. Dendritic - make use of its mRNA (which contains the recipe for proteins characteristic of cancer cells) to train T cells to kill melanoma cells.
Under the agreement, researchers from the FUW produce modified mRNA termination in an amount to ensure conduct of clinical research.
Scientists for years trying to use gene therapy to treat many diseases, including cancer. Currently, it consists in making changes at the DNA level in tumor cells, namely the introduction into cells of different therapeutic genes whose mutations are responsible for tumor growth. These include genes encoding proteins responsible for inhibiting the replication of cells, with their self-inflicted death (apoptosis) or stimulating tumor cell destruction by the immune system.
Genetic modification is also used in the development of anticancer vaccines. They consist in introducing resistance genes into the cells through which the immune system learns to better recognize and destroy cancer.
More: http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/nauka/polski-wynalazek-pomoze-w-leczeniu-raka, 1.4214511, wiadomosc.html
And here is our dear Janoszek tv shows in the school "Fact Four" Mauro your dog:) - see 5 min. 20 sec. relationship:
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Kind Of Curls Does Meagan Good Wear?
the road ... Freiburg already April 1
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PET-CT in the UK Freiburg |
We already know the date of PET-CT in Freiburg. Prof. Thigh Kontny offered Friday, April 1 hr. 8.00. Igor The study goes under anesthesia. In Freiburg, we will be up by Wednesday April 6, so that the professor had time to make the necessary consultations and any additional tests and to assess the treatment ...
Many people call or write to me asking for about a professor Kontnego. Pasting a link to the official website of the clinic, which is both e-mail and telephone: http://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/kinderklinik/live/mitarbeiter/kontny.html
before us last weekend at home . On Sunday the annual meeting of the Good Spirits in IYMC. This good energy we will need. At night we go to Olsztyn. On Monday at 14:00 we head ... magnetic resonance imaging. Week and a half later - Freiburg and PET-CT examination.
the impression that this test is very common in Poland and abroad, doctors still refer to him skeptically. Some do not even know who and when to send them. Do not know how to read the results. And thanks to the diagnosis of PET is highly likely diagnosis of cancer (approximately 90% of cases).
Positron emission tomography (PET-CT) allows a very carefully examine the entire body, detect metabolically active cancer cells, allows to assess tumor stage and choose the best method of treatment. PET-CT because the doctor is able to very precisely determine where the tumor is located, as it is vast, and are occupied adjacent lymph nodes.
This test is also carried out if you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment undertaken oncology (chemotherapy is working or during surgery, the tumor was removed in its entirety). You can also use it to examine the possibility of cancer relapse patients already cured. Then it is recommended to test every six months and five years after cure - every year.
not just cancer ...
PET-CT is increasingly used also in neurology. It is the only test that allows for example to detect changes in the brain associated with Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's, even before clinical symptoms appear, these diseases. Allows for early diagnosis of Huntington's disease. It also lets you put a precise diagnosis in the case of unexplained headaches and very early to recognize the central nervous system. Pozytonowym tomography can also be comprehensively assess the condition of the coronary arteries, as well as the degree of damage after a stroke or heart attack. This is done especially when a cardiologist is faced with the choice of treatment (balloon or by-passes), PET-CT helps to make the right decision.
Many people call or write to me asking for about a professor Kontnego. Pasting a link to the official website of the clinic, which is both e-mail and telephone: http://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/kinderklinik/live/mitarbeiter/kontny.html
before us last weekend at home . On Sunday the annual meeting of the Good Spirits in IYMC. This good energy we will need. At night we go to Olsztyn. On Monday at 14:00 we head ... magnetic resonance imaging. Week and a half later - Freiburg and PET-CT examination.
the impression that this test is very common in Poland and abroad, doctors still refer to him skeptically. Some do not even know who and when to send them. Do not know how to read the results. And thanks to the diagnosis of PET is highly likely diagnosis of cancer (approximately 90% of cases).
Positron emission tomography (PET-CT) allows a very carefully examine the entire body, detect metabolically active cancer cells, allows to assess tumor stage and choose the best method of treatment. PET-CT because the doctor is able to very precisely determine where the tumor is located, as it is vast, and are occupied adjacent lymph nodes.
This test is also carried out if you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment undertaken oncology (chemotherapy is working or during surgery, the tumor was removed in its entirety). You can also use it to examine the possibility of cancer relapse patients already cured. Then it is recommended to test every six months and five years after cure - every year.
not just cancer ...
PET-CT is increasingly used also in neurology. It is the only test that allows for example to detect changes in the brain associated with Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's, even before clinical symptoms appear, these diseases. Allows for early diagnosis of Huntington's disease. It also lets you put a precise diagnosis in the case of unexplained headaches and very early to recognize the central nervous system. Pozytonowym tomography can also be comprehensively assess the condition of the coronary arteries, as well as the degree of damage after a stroke or heart attack. This is done especially when a cardiologist is faced with the choice of treatment (balloon or by-passes), PET-CT helps to make the right decision.
- PET / CT allows for accurate and comprehensive diagnosis
- PET / CT allows measurement of the entire body and detect cancer lesions much earlier than when using the methods of MRI and CT
- PET / CT allows the identification of cancer and to determine whether it is malicious in the way non-invasive
- PET / CT is a more precise method than MRI and CT in detecting and defining advanced cancer
- PET / CT is completely safe and painless diagnostic method
- PET / CT allows for increased patient comfort by reducing the invasive diagnostic procedures
Imaginationland Mégavidéo
... Good news ...
infrastructure facility will be equipped in systems that enable precise positioning of the patient's CT scanner room, anesthesia for the preparation of pediatric patients and in treatment planning systems for proton and conventional radiotherapy.
cyclotron and the experimental halls will be placed in specially built for this purpose bunker with thick walls and ceiling of 3-4 meters, which will provide a total cover of humans and the environment against ionizing radiation.
Centre Bronowice cyclotrons Center Offering appropriate infrastructure, and laboratory diagnostic facilities and trained staff will also allow the implementation of new technologies based on the use of of nuclear physics, contribute to the development of research in the field of radiation oncology, medical physics, dosimetry, and radiobiology and clinical will be rendered highly specialized services to industrial partners.
yesterday in Krakow at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN was laid the foundation act for the construction of the Centre Bronowice cyclotron, the first Central Europe's center for proton radiotherapy.
Bronowice cyclotrons Center will be designed for non-invasive treatment of complex tumors located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. In addition, the research center will be where the experiments will be conducted in the field of nuclear physics and the development of radiation physics, radiation biology and materials science. The project of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences' National Centre of Hadron Radiotherapy - Bronowice cyclotrons Center is funded under the program Innovative Economy and the European Regional Development Fund. The first stage of investment (Bronowice cyclotrons Center) is to be completed in late 2013.
To take full advantage of the new cyclotron is necessary to install a position with a swivel arm - a gantry - the hardest protonoterapii available for the treatment of tumors located in any part of the body. This investment will be realized in the second phase of the project (scheduled completion date of December 31, 2014). Because of its invasive nature, this type of therapy is especially recommended for the treatment of pediatric patients. One position will allow submission gantry treatment to 500 patients a year. infrastructure facility will be equipped in systems that enable precise positioning of the patient's CT scanner room, anesthesia for the preparation of pediatric patients and in treatment planning systems for proton and conventional radiotherapy.
cyclotron and the experimental halls will be placed in specially built for this purpose bunker with thick walls and ceiling of 3-4 meters, which will provide a total cover of humans and the environment against ionizing radiation.
Centre Bronowice cyclotrons Center Offering appropriate infrastructure, and laboratory diagnostic facilities and trained staff will also allow the implementation of new technologies based on the use of of nuclear physics, contribute to the development of research in the field of radiation oncology, medical physics, dosimetry, and radiobiology and clinical will be rendered highly specialized services to industrial partners.
Request Letter Telephone
[ Song Week: Alaska y los Pegamoides - Horror en el hipermercado (1980)]
solution is the title simple: instead of the supermarkets go to the store of tradition. I chose the Trade House "Zenit" in the market in Katowice. To tell the truth recently entered there a dozen years ago, but I suspect that even after the opening date, little has changed. If you have already for the worse:)
For this background the whole problem / dilemma is no longer so obvious and simple to explain. Therefore be seen as an episode linking zlepkowego heard news on the economy and marketing. Are the source of the mass media and the people complaining in public transport, which are of positive dimension, because they combine people and lead to joyful in its sorrow applications. It all started
from lack of sleep (in my case, because if the global is probably from Adam Smith). In fact, it was only a consequence of lack of sleep early wake up when I noticed a motley toy. Now I do not know what to think. Is this a distortion in the reading, inverse operation subconscious or real, but illogical, excitement. But I kept the sticker (not in a physical sense) that the toy was made in Kietrz, while the distributor is the owner of a company from China. For sure it was the opposite.
How lack of sleep can occur? In the above paragraph, I mentioned one of two possible boundary points dreams. So wake up, that was premature. Apart from awakening night, the second option to shorten one of the most interesting modes of man is to lie down to sleep later. In my very long life, a moderate influence on this factor he had Bedzin. Specifically, the evening bus rides 807th I recall particularly on Saturday marked a great deal of folklore (Będzińska aimed at youth clubs and on that basis I could almost rozrysować będzińskich feuding family tree families).
But to the point: yes, of course, I mean the market in Bedzin. Irreplaceable source of goods of various kinds. No mess everywhere. Dirt also - in the Black Przemsza - although they admit there such a special bacteria, which are the main meal of contamination.
but do not focus on issues of nutrition. Focus on aesthetic issues. Some odor (eg, said Przemsza) try to cover chemical aroma. For example, in the form of perfume. Treachery that made many a solution of us. Mixing scents will know the complete human olfactory nieinterpretowalnych asumptów (ie, pulses, now it seems to have not used that word.) For me the worst was a combination of burnt beef kidney Fa deodorant in blue packaging. Therefore, I propose to introduce in the field of so-called olfaktologii. invariants fragrances. According to the theory came to your student from primary school to the kitchen they would be pink perfume Hannah Montana, which already smell the space.
Aesthetics is not just a smell. Also, the value of the visual, but may and above all what we see with the naked eye. For this to help us different detergents. Thus I come to the first clash of the giants in our analysis. WC vs duck. WC Picker. Why are more successful in Poland did the other one? After all, both are convenient dispensers modeled on the necks of birds ...
second clash of giants is to open the minds of the readers against drawing conclusions from the independent niesionych information here, because today will not punch. Longer life of each machine, and the experience of repairing (if I was wrong - sorry, just What I discovered gaps in their knowledge on this subject, this topic very often move orally - is finally time to write down): Peter
[Weekly song ]
Again La Movida Madrileña (lifestyle and liberation movement after the death of General to F) were placed on the pages of ###_*. DPP. This time one of the first projects Alaska - the famous English singer. Her work has evolved from punk rock to electronic music, but skandalistką was all the time:).
Today's episode sponsored:
Katowice, 17.03.2011
[ Song Week: Alaska y los Pegamoides - Horror en el hipermercado (1980)]
solution is the title simple: instead of the supermarkets go to the store of tradition. I chose the Trade House "Zenit" in the market in Katowice. To tell the truth recently entered there a dozen years ago, but I suspect that even after the opening date, little has changed. If you have already for the worse:)
For this background the whole problem / dilemma is no longer so obvious and simple to explain. Therefore be seen as an episode linking zlepkowego heard news on the economy and marketing. Are the source of the mass media and the people complaining in public transport, which are of positive dimension, because they combine people and lead to joyful in its sorrow applications. It all started
from lack of sleep (in my case, because if the global is probably from Adam Smith). In fact, it was only a consequence of lack of sleep early wake up when I noticed a motley toy. Now I do not know what to think. Is this a distortion in the reading, inverse operation subconscious or real, but illogical, excitement. But I kept the sticker (not in a physical sense) that the toy was made in Kietrz, while the distributor is the owner of a company from China. For sure it was the opposite.
How lack of sleep can occur? In the above paragraph, I mentioned one of two possible boundary points dreams. So wake up, that was premature. Apart from awakening night, the second option to shorten one of the most interesting modes of man is to lie down to sleep later. In my very long life, a moderate influence on this factor he had Bedzin. Specifically, the evening bus rides 807th I recall particularly on Saturday marked a great deal of folklore (Będzińska aimed at youth clubs and on that basis I could almost rozrysować będzińskich feuding family tree families).
But to the point: yes, of course, I mean the market in Bedzin. Irreplaceable source of goods of various kinds. No mess everywhere. Dirt also - in the Black Przemsza - although they admit there such a special bacteria, which are the main meal of contamination.
but do not focus on issues of nutrition. Focus on aesthetic issues. Some odor (eg, said Przemsza) try to cover chemical aroma. For example, in the form of perfume. Treachery that made many a solution of us. Mixing scents will know the complete human olfactory nieinterpretowalnych asumptów (ie, pulses, now it seems to have not used that word.) For me the worst was a combination of burnt beef kidney Fa deodorant in blue packaging. Therefore, I propose to introduce in the field of so-called olfaktologii. invariants fragrances. According to the theory came to your student from primary school to the kitchen they would be pink perfume Hannah Montana, which already smell the space.
Aesthetics is not just a smell. Also, the value of the visual, but may and above all what we see with the naked eye. For this to help us different detergents. Thus I come to the first clash of the giants in our analysis. WC vs duck. WC Picker. Why are more successful in Poland did the other one? After all, both are convenient dispensers modeled on the necks of birds ...
second clash of giants is to open the minds of the readers against drawing conclusions from the independent niesionych information here, because today will not punch. Longer life of each machine, and the experience of repairing (if I was wrong - sorry, just What I discovered gaps in their knowledge on this subject, this topic very often move orally - is finally time to write down): Peter
- Olik - washing machines repaired for 22 years
- Henry Hare - washing machines repaired for 20 years
- third person except for named Smith - washing machines repaired for 15 years
[Weekly song ]
Again La Movida Madrileña (lifestyle and liberation movement after the death of General to F) were placed on the pages of ###_*. DPP. This time one of the first projects Alaska - the famous English singer. Her work has evolved from punk rock to electronic music, but skandalistką was all the time:).
Today's episode sponsored:
- instead of the: two functions describing the intensity of the odor based on odor concentration:
- Weber-Fechner function: S = k WF log (c / c th ) Stevens
- function: S = k S * c
- MoM = mechanically recovered meat (picture goes beyond the aesthetics of this article)
- Trade House "Zenit", here in the glory days (when I called the Polish Forest Classifieds Vegas):
Katowice, 17.03.2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Chlamydia And Kissing
goal for Frank
early as next Sunday, 20 March, near Krakow Zielonki charity tournament will be held for a patient with leukemia, a friend of Igor szptalnego beds, Frances Zawisza.
tournament organizers are colleagues, parents, board Hedwig Parish Sports Club Cracow School Football and the Foundation for Inter Campus "Circle of Friends Child". The aim of the event is the collection of funds for treatment on his colleagues and spiritual support from friendly football schools such as University Football 1921, Borek Kraków, Bronowianka Krakow, Cracovia, Hutnik Krakow, Kmita Zabierzów, Krakus Nowa Huta, Krakow Prądniczanka, Wisla Krakow, Hedwig 2000, Hedwig, 2001.
During the tournament, in addition to football, there will be a raffle and auction of many valuable items, including T-shirts with autographs Brożka, Frankowski, Giza, Błaszczykowskiego, Glowacki and Liverpool shirts, Legia, Lech and etc.
Frances and share a common passion Igorka-football. Whenever we are in USD on the "daily" run to "number one" to see what u Frances. The guys a copy of the ball on the Okrąglak, playing in Fife (Franio Inter fan:), exchange current novelties from the world of football ... They have their own code. Frank is another warm, wise and full of empathy for the kid, which she reached this unfair disease. It's hard to be bedridden, when life was so intensely and systematically trenowało sport ... Franio-yet not a goal in front of you! Back on the grass ... Already soon.
We hope that came out of seclusion! Igor twice came back from USD disconsolate that he could not visit you:)
private persons and companies wishing to provide financial assistance for Frank served the account number: 42 1240 6292 1111 0010 3835 1087.
tournament will be held in a sports hall in Zielonki (St Fr. Michalik 2a), beginning on Sunday, March 20 at. 8, ending at 17.40. The competition involved teams age category eagles, born 2000 and younger.
division into groups
Group A
Steelworker Nowa Huta Krakow
Jadwiga II
Kmita Zabierzów
Group B
Cracovia Academy Football 21
Prądniczanka Krakow
Group C
Borek Wisla Krakow Krakow Krakow
Hedwig 2001
Group D
Hedwig And
Krakus Krakow, Nowa Huta Krakow
We are asking all fans the ball and just friendly people in a tournament or treatment support Frances in any way.
media patrons for the tournament took TV Krakow and portal SPORTOWETEMPO.pl
early as next Sunday, 20 March, near Krakow Zielonki charity tournament will be held for a patient with leukemia, a friend of Igor szptalnego beds, Frances Zawisza.
tournament organizers are colleagues, parents, board Hedwig Parish Sports Club Cracow School Football and the Foundation for Inter Campus "Circle of Friends Child". The aim of the event is the collection of funds for treatment on his colleagues and spiritual support from friendly football schools such as University Football 1921, Borek Kraków, Bronowianka Krakow, Cracovia, Hutnik Krakow, Kmita Zabierzów, Krakus Nowa Huta, Krakow Prądniczanka, Wisla Krakow, Hedwig 2000, Hedwig, 2001.
During the tournament, in addition to football, there will be a raffle and auction of many valuable items, including T-shirts with autographs Brożka, Frankowski, Giza, Błaszczykowskiego, Glowacki and Liverpool shirts, Legia, Lech and etc.
Frances and share a common passion Igorka-football. Whenever we are in USD on the "daily" run to "number one" to see what u Frances. The guys a copy of the ball on the Okrąglak, playing in Fife (Franio Inter fan:), exchange current novelties from the world of football ... They have their own code. Frank is another warm, wise and full of empathy for the kid, which she reached this unfair disease. It's hard to be bedridden, when life was so intensely and systematically trenowało sport ... Franio-yet not a goal in front of you! Back on the grass ... Already soon.
We hope that came out of seclusion! Igor twice came back from USD disconsolate that he could not visit you:)
private persons and companies wishing to provide financial assistance for Frank served the account number: 42 1240 6292 1111 0010 3835 1087.
tournament will be held in a sports hall in Zielonki (St Fr. Michalik 2a), beginning on Sunday, March 20 at. 8, ending at 17.40. The competition involved teams age category eagles, born 2000 and younger.
division into groups
Group A
Steelworker Nowa Huta Krakow
Jadwiga II
Kmita Zabierzów
Group B
Cracovia Academy Football 21
Prądniczanka Krakow
Group C
Borek Wisla Krakow Krakow Krakow
Hedwig 2001
Group D
Hedwig And
Krakus Krakow, Nowa Huta Krakow
We are asking all fans the ball and just friendly people in a tournament or treatment support Frances in any way.
media patrons for the tournament took TV Krakow and portal SPORTOWETEMPO.pl
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How Do You Put In A Brazillian Weave
... spring in the hearts
Saturday in the saddle with my dad, and our dogs Janoszkiem Moor ... Sunday the 7th Stas's birthday in a fairytale Łygana Kakadu, and then an afternoon at a cousin of David ...
sat out all winter at home. Igor did not go anywhere. Now, walk, cry here and there, we visit friends ... Little is one of football every day in the yard ... he spends all day with their peers in kindergarten ... It przeszczęśliwy. We, too, watching the swells. - Daddy today was so good in kindergarten, that neither time did not think about you ! This eavesdropped message yesterday ... Yesterday I picked
phone from Olsztyn. Hours changed to Monday's resonance, it will not only at 10.00 at 14.00.
will go by train to Olsztyn. Taking off on Sunday at 23.30 from Katowice - at 10:00 we'll be on the spot. We leave from Olsztyn in the north after 18.00 and 6 am on Tuesday, we'll Katowice.
Waiting for response from the professor. Udo Kontnego, which sets the deadline for PET-CT in Freiburg. Since then correlated further travel plans ...
I have valuable information to our Donors - pulled from the season and the blog Jack Kalinka ( kalinajanowska.blog.onet.pl )
I have valuable information to our Donors - pulled from the season and the blog Jack Kalinka ( kalinajanowska.blog.onet.pl )
Beloved, in connection with the period of tax returns we want to remind you that paid during the year donations to the treatment Igorka that handing on to the account of the Foundation for Children "Help on Time", you can now deduct from its income . Thanks to regain at least part of the paid amount. Order to take advantage of the deductibility of donations is to document proof of payment to the bank account of the Foundation.
Donations can be deducted in full, but not more than:
- 6% of the earned income - in case of natural persons (individuals or persons engaged in self-employment), and partnerships taxed as a general rule
-10% of earned income - in case of legal persons
- 6% of the revenue - in the case of individuals with taxable lump sum tax.
Individuals enter the amount of the deductible donation per item. 15 (or 16) Annex PIT-O and the Laws. 99 (or 100) return PIT-37 or in the item. 145 (or 146) statement PIT-36.
addition, you must complete a block of Annex D1 PIT-O and enter the donation amount transferred and contact details: Foundation for Children "Help on Time", 01-685 Warszawa, ul. Łomiańska 5th
And if wahacie what to do with this year's 1% - please do not treat your one-fiskusowi it! Undecided refer to the Foundation's Little Orchestra of Great Help http://www.mowp.pl/
Monday, March 14, 2011
What To Write In A Book For A New Baby
'Our love is beautiful'. Some
How are you? We can see almost every spring, makes me very happy. I've had enough
cold and snow.
Last week was very tough for me. I had the same long shifts at work, and this landed in my autko mechanic walks 2.5 km so were my everyday life. It also has its good side and a little after the winter, moving, however, because the two visits a week in the pool do not give up so much.
Yesterday I was at a concert in the Studio Hardcore. Picked up quite a long time for this concert, and finally it worked:]
had really good fun because this team is one of my favorites.
As Olga managed to Spot A was with my boyfriend. 24th of March we have our little 'half-anniversary':) The whole half a year together. I do not regret anything, I love and am loved nothing more than unnecessary to me to be happy:) I wish everyone to find the other half:]
lovely Saturday spent in the company of my bonkers:) As always it was fun:)
As for my very work as you ask.
works at the reception on the tennis courts. Jobs
nice and gives me much joy.
land to do what you like:)
Well then I Flee:) cleared up and wash time autko:)
How are you? We can see almost every spring, makes me very happy. I've had enough
cold and snow.
Last week was very tough for me. I had the same long shifts at work, and this landed in my autko mechanic walks 2.5 km so were my everyday life. It also has its good side and a little after the winter, moving, however, because the two visits a week in the pool do not give up so much.
Yesterday I was at a concert in the Studio Hardcore. Picked up quite a long time for this concert, and finally it worked:]
had really good fun because this team is one of my favorites.
As Olga managed to Spot A was with my boyfriend. 24th of March we have our little 'half-anniversary':) The whole half a year together. I do not regret anything, I love and am loved nothing more than unnecessary to me to be happy:) I wish everyone to find the other half:]
lovely Saturday spent in the company of my bonkers:) As always it was fun:)
As for my very work as you ask.
works at the reception on the tennis courts. Jobs
nice and gives me much joy.
land to do what you like:)
Well then I Flee:) cleared up and wash time autko:)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Discharge With Implantation
short and went back węzłowato
I niedoczas permanent. So excuse me, I reply that it is not, but I'll be back. Someday;)
Truscaveczka responsible Thank
everyone for their comforting words, Igor gathered up quickly and you mess it up:)
at the workshop below:
I niedoczas permanent. So excuse me, I reply that it is not, but I'll be back. Someday;)
everyone for their comforting words, Igor gathered up quickly and you mess it up:)
What Happened To Barby Kelly?
... response to Professor Tom
![]() |
prof. Udo Kontny |
received Professor Udo Kontnego response from the UK Freiburg. Sylvia quickly translated text of the email, which I picked up a few days ago.
Professor Kontny proposed implementation Igorkowi PET-CT in Freiburg, and therefore recommended the resignation of the other tests: whole body CT and bone scintigraphy. According to Professor is an unnecessary burden on the body. PET will give us a picture of the whole organism Igor.
Professor wrote:
"I would recommend making the head of the MRT and PET-CT, but I would not do full-body CT or bone scintigraphy.
MRT is important for diagnosing changes in the tumor and comparing it with previous survey. With the help of PET can examine the transformation activity of cells remaining unchanged. PET is today in many centers performed in conjunction with low-dose CT (CT), the so-called PET-CT, which is sufficient as a test to determine if elsewhere tumor appeared or have been impacted bone. If the PET-CT in one place would show changes, then I would spot test MRT.
Performing whole-body CT is associated with too great a burden rays. Also not przeprowadzałbym bone scintigraphy. We are happy to przeprowadzilibyśmy PET-CT in Freiburg with us, we could make an appointment date at the end of March or in April. Just let me know what time to suit you. "
We sent an email to Mrs. Professor Valentina Balwierz asking for the resignation of the above mentioned imaging tests. We would, as soon as possible, up to relieve the body of our son.
March 21 in the chair. 10.00 Igorkowi in Olsztyn, the MRT will be made of the head. Its outcome will go to prof. Andrew Kukwy from Warsaw. MRT will be performed without anesthesia. That means another 40 min. still and yet another attempt for Igor.
"I would recommend making the head of the MRT and PET-CT, but I would not do full-body CT or bone scintigraphy.
MRT is important for diagnosing changes in the tumor and comparing it with previous survey. With the help of PET can examine the transformation activity of cells remaining unchanged. PET is today in many centers performed in conjunction with low-dose CT (CT), the so-called PET-CT, which is sufficient as a test to determine if elsewhere tumor appeared or have been impacted bone. If the PET-CT in one place would show changes, then I would spot test MRT.
Performing whole-body CT is associated with too great a burden rays. Also not przeprowadzałbym bone scintigraphy. We are happy to przeprowadzilibyśmy PET-CT in Freiburg with us, we could make an appointment date at the end of March or in April. Just let me know what time to suit you. "
We sent an email to Mrs. Professor Valentina Balwierz asking for the resignation of the above mentioned imaging tests. We would, as soon as possible, up to relieve the body of our son.
March 21 in the chair. 10.00 Igorkowi in Olsztyn, the MRT will be made of the head. Its outcome will go to prof. Andrew Kukwy from Warsaw. MRT will be performed without anesthesia. That means another 40 min. still and yet another attempt for Igor.
Gosia on the playground in Freiburg ... |
I wrote an email to Gosia to Freiburg, once again asking for your hospitality. The answer came like a lightning:
"Dear !!!!!!!!!!! Come !!!!!!!! I got shivers all over his body !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad it was so soon to see you !!!!!!!!! Even can not imagine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am writing to you from the office in which applies the contact lenses. Tomorrow I'll be in the office, I'll check the terms of the service, private poprzesuwam. (....) The sooner you come the better !!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad !!!!!!!!!!"
We too! We too! We too!
I am writing to you from the office in which applies the contact lenses. Tomorrow I'll be in the office, I'll check the terms of the service, private poprzesuwam. (....) The sooner you come the better !!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad !!!!!!!!!!"
We too! We too! We too!
Oh, all of our Goshia darling! Again we will be there in Germany, familiar, home ... And I believe wholeheartedly that this time we will be together to enjoy and celebrate ....
PS. Igor was at the hairdresser. He has great hair and a week to attend kindergarten. And, in principle, fruwa do niego jak na skrzydłach:)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What Is Ohio's Grace Period For Driver's License
Thomas z Iwonką w bibliotece PWSZ |
Ta wiadomość dotarła do nas w poniedziałek….i pogrążyła w ogromnym smutku. Nagle, niespodziewanie odszedł nasz przyjaciel Thomas Glaeser – do niedawna konsul RFN w Krakowie, członek oświęcimskiego Rotary Clubu, przyjaciel MDSM, człowiek ogromnej wiedzy, kultury, wrażliwości… Wiecznie w ruchu, nieustannie zaangażowany, aktywnie działający na wielu płaszczyznach…
for his work for the Polish-German reconciliation awarded the Medal of the City of Oswiecim. Honored with a statuette of the Good Spirit MDSM.
Thomas would not be together, if not included in helping Igorkowi.
for his work for the Polish-German reconciliation awarded the Medal of the City of Oswiecim. Honored with a statuette of the Good Spirit MDSM.
Thomas would not be together, if not included in helping Igorkowi.
We met him thanks to Leszek Szusterowi. He was then Germany's Consul General in Krakow. He visited my place of work - our university Auschwitz, to meet with Iwonka Sobal - director of the university library. Why? Because I learned that among the courses of study in PWSZ is also a Germanic philology - wanted help completing the German books. And in collecting - regularly.
Then visit us often - imported books, and met with students, he delivered lectures, appeared on inauguracjach. Auschwitz was a member of the RC - and became friends with golf ....
I think he liked to visit Auschwitz. He liked the city, he had a lot of friends.
For us, over time, became simply "Tom."
cheerful, with a beautiful smile and great sense of humoru.
Gdzie tylko się pojawiał – od razu wzbudzał życzliwość i szacunek. Zawsze niwelował dystans.
Z Albertem łączyła go wspólna pasja – piłka nożna. Ilekroć się spotykali, tylekroć wymieniali piłkarskie uwagi…
Przy Tomku człowiek musiał się uśmiechać... |
"Imagine that you saw this match live, with full bleachers, in a comfortable chair vipowskim! This can not be expressed with words! Greetings from Camp Nou ...:) Tom . "
When Igor was sick, Tom through our Friends of MDSM immediately rushed with the help ... I guess he could not otherwise. That was Tom.
was ... It's hard for us to think of it in those terms.
When I look like smiles from photographs, it is hard to believe that this charismatic, athletic, still young at heart man is gone forever.
Life is so painfully difficult to understand.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Fiery Habanero Doritos In Washington
[ Song Week: Chic - My Forbidden Lover (1979)>> Booty Luv - Shine (2007 )]
dedicate actresses and actors who are the problem of defining a string sponsor section of
Like sometimes go to the disco (the term "club" seems to me not very clear). It happened to me also last Saturday (the event from the previous period, but I can see that the excitation is also looking back): I suddenly realized that eating donuts on Thursday, seven, was an alarm signaling the end of the carnival. You have to admit that running a delayed ignition. A natural idea to celebrate this day sent my muscle tissue and bone (which suffers to this day) in the direction of your favorite imprezowni: Scenes GuGalander . On Saturdays there offering a pretty cool music (mostly old hits from the previous few decades), and I was closely watching.
so much at the outset of classical signs of having a diary, I want to avoid. As already mentioned by the classics may secretly smuggled here to justify deviations from the standard two (not to be confused with a standard deviation) in today's episode:
[Weekly song ]
About Chicu probably will not again because it's one of my favorite bands. Though this song I do not like so much it still emanates from the magic of the New York funk. A guitar-bass primers Nila Rodgers and Bernard Edwards made it one of the most frequently samplowanych teams. I was on the basis of one of these sleepers was the song that is mentioned in the text section of the connecting link. Booty Luv song the band is its cover. It can therefore say that Shine My Forbidden Lover interpolates ... The whole thing shows a trend of change in dance music.
Today's episode sponsored:
[ Song Week: Chic - My Forbidden Lover (1979)>> Booty Luv - Shine (2007 )]
dedicate actresses and actors who are the problem of defining a string sponsor section of
Like sometimes go to the disco (the term "club" seems to me not very clear). It happened to me also last Saturday (the event from the previous period, but I can see that the excitation is also looking back): I suddenly realized that eating donuts on Thursday, seven, was an alarm signaling the end of the carnival. You have to admit that running a delayed ignition. A natural idea to celebrate this day sent my muscle tissue and bone (which suffers to this day) in the direction of your favorite imprezowni: Scenes GuGalander . On Saturdays there offering a pretty cool music (mostly old hits from the previous few decades), and I was closely watching.
so much at the outset of classical signs of having a diary, I want to avoid. As already mentioned by the classics may secretly smuggled here to justify deviations from the standard two (not to be confused with a standard deviation) in today's episode:
- title is in English - mainly because it allowed the easy and good looking parenthetically-verbal juggling, but also that it is hard to find a Polish word for these important functions, which will be described below (and so besides working in a multinational corporation, littering language)
- two songs a week, but in my opinion, one, because contrary to appearances, there are many similarities between them, as someone finds a link between the two is immediately find out what's going on (two times ">" means that the songs are divided into two decades [not counting those in which they were]) Let us
- Pacemaker (Polish counterpart proposition: tempotrzymacz) - that is, from the terminology of marathons, someone who keeps the pace of the search (we ran behind him that goes the distance for example, in 3 h). This function is also important in other sports.
- peacemaker (Polish equivalent of the proposal [in the context of the analysis]: sercochron) - here no longer will use the definition consistent with my intuition. I will say right away that I do not mean the security guard. I am concerned about the safety of girls' hearts. It so happened that the Saturday preceding the week's largest herring consumption in Poland, this year was full with plenty of single males. They were very nice, but also determined, and adventuresome. This little fellow who assisted the cold night four girls unparalleled beauty. Labor foreman performing 400% of normal! To keep up with the need to get something that we, the spec from the telecommunications, call the high sampling rate (in turn we, the spec from water rescue, we call that a large number of heads to the observation in the zone who can not swim).
[Weekly song ]
About Chicu probably will not again because it's one of my favorite bands. Though this song I do not like so much it still emanates from the magic of the New York funk. A guitar-bass primers Nila Rodgers and Bernard Edwards made it one of the most frequently samplowanych teams. I was on the basis of one of these sleepers was the song that is mentioned in the text section of the connecting link. Booty Luv song the band is its cover. It can therefore say that Shine My Forbidden Lover interpolates ... The whole thing shows a trend of change in dance music.
Today's episode sponsored:
- (1, 5, 26, 90, 246, 566, 1146, 2106, 3590, 5766, 8826, 12986, 18486, 25590, 34586, ...) or a sequence number of possible solutions to a dance school with 4 girls and 4 boys + n (where n is the index) (sequence number A079909 in OEIS encyclopedia .) What is the problem? In school 4 girls learn about increases in m, m +1, m +2 (where m is the initial increase) and 4 + n boys with increases from m to m +2 + n Pairs must be chosen, that each of the girls found a partner on the upside or a higher maximum of n. I think it's very practical.
- competitions No 347305 and 722204 of the " Classification of Occupations " Dancer and Locksmith
- reportedly easily lubricate Irish butter (of course niefinansowo)
- mint over the water:
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Can Benzodiazepines Help Stop Smoking
[ Song Week: Jermaine Jackson - Dynamite (1984)]
; Although it is a Swede, Norwegian and not the first diatomaceous earth mixed with nitroglycerin, but I can understand the fact that the party does not necessarily need to keep home "hospitality" (as the commentators sometimes determine the lack of desire to share the medals) ... Maybe not too cleverly linking zakamuflowałem songs of the week with the invention of Alfred Nobel (who was born outside the Nordic region, unfortunately, because in Germany [talking about the invention]) and the fact that Norwegians are good performances at the World Championships in Oslo, but it ...
... for the same championships were well camouflaged. As is usual in Holmenkollen competition took place in the fog. Thick like milk, which is a basic component of the average Norwegian diet (source: stereotypes, not counting different and useful mainly sportsmen athletes, dietary supplements). Fortunately rebuilt hill, because once the journey was suspended bridge and the fog seemed to me that the jumpers can hit him (unless you flew over.)
Worse, sometimes days, in which the mist bypasses neighboring areas, leaving this powerful medium to its fate in the form of water vapor. The perversity of living (for so they call each meteorological phenomenon, although it may, however, quasi-live [operated today with a strong quasi {prefix that means, like, half-etc.} Met for the first time in a technical school, the panel seems to be the E-10A production Alcatel was the quasi-mail, whatever that means]). So I started to think about the origins of the formation of fog. I shall examine just one case.
This piece I write on Thursday, March 3 - Today in Oslo was a terrible fog. To a certain height. shots from a helicopter showed clear skies and emerging like cucumbers with whipped cream peaks of the surrounding hills. My astute analytical mind associated the press reports of smog (ATTENTION! Smog causes asthma!) And a refreshed knowledge of basic types of smog. This definitely had be the smog of London, because it is highly seasonal and occurs during the inversion temperature (bottom colder than this, so called. putrid higher has a similar origin.) For details, refer even to the Wikipedia.
It should be noted that the Holmenkollen is relatively close to the sea as it certainly has an impact. Sea / Norway = fjords. But not there. In that case let's move just north of Bergen, for example (it does not matter, I folded the city's name phonetically [or even fonicznie] with all the rest). Is the fjord is a kind of bay? The geographic definition that, yes.
Przemieśćmy now turn a little to the west in the Norwegian Sea. What we find there? Crude! Now I have to be proud of: pierced Norway. I used to have oil and the bay in one place. Specifically, the second one. I had a bit powziewać. But since the pool block the nose, such a small dupsem (the toes [name comes from the same organ]) is no longer anything happen there. Inspired me to visit Mrs. botched nose and throat specialist from the clinic on the street. PCK in Katowice, a beautiful modernist building, which will now be restored (a puzzle: it is about Mrs. otolaryngologist if the building?). So much of the impact of oil on world history at the micro and macro scale.
As you can see, without pharmacology, I was able to pick up. But I'm thin. Recently I visited again on the pass route, which was once the areas covered by the rule of Franz Joseph's (do not know why his character is everywhere surrounded by a huge cult;) on the same route I have written a little bit in the episode 008_Składowa_synfazowa, _składowa_kwadraturowa.dpp ). There are podbiegi that from time to time would do something "sztachnąć," but I prefer medicine natural. As the Chinese emperor in 2737 years BC (information from the comic added to the Dilmah tea, the question arises whether, in 2737 BC, was there any other [than the natural] medicine [is probably supposed to be a joke, but it did not understand]). In my case, there were sandwiches.
[Weekly song]
Jermaine Jackson (with the Jackson) decided to marry the daughter of one of the owners of Motown. And because daddy Jackson had had enough of the label, it has been supplanted with Jermaine family ensemble. This team had to change the name of the Jackson 5 on The Jacksons, because this was not the first rights. By the way, moreover, musically reformulated, because the environment has changed much. Jermaine also had to pick a quarrel with the father in law, because in 1984 he changed the label to Arista. But a lot of success plates from which the song rather przypisywałbym week wave of popularity due to the success of the Jackson family of Michael. The rest dośpiewajcie themselves.
Free throw even the Hindu version of the song:
[Indian Music]
Okay it's still a free version performed by kids from the program "Kids Incorporated". The first girl who sings Fergie with the Black Eyed Peas.
[Children's Music]
Today's episode sponsored:
Week 9, with different places
[ Song Week: Jermaine Jackson - Dynamite (1984)]
; Although it is a Swede, Norwegian and not the first diatomaceous earth mixed with nitroglycerin, but I can understand the fact that the party does not necessarily need to keep home "hospitality" (as the commentators sometimes determine the lack of desire to share the medals) ... Maybe not too cleverly linking zakamuflowałem songs of the week with the invention of Alfred Nobel (who was born outside the Nordic region, unfortunately, because in Germany [talking about the invention]) and the fact that Norwegians are good performances at the World Championships in Oslo, but it ...
... for the same championships were well camouflaged. As is usual in Holmenkollen competition took place in the fog. Thick like milk, which is a basic component of the average Norwegian diet (source: stereotypes, not counting different and useful mainly sportsmen athletes, dietary supplements). Fortunately rebuilt hill, because once the journey was suspended bridge and the fog seemed to me that the jumpers can hit him (unless you flew over.)
Worse, sometimes days, in which the mist bypasses neighboring areas, leaving this powerful medium to its fate in the form of water vapor. The perversity of living (for so they call each meteorological phenomenon, although it may, however, quasi-live [operated today with a strong quasi {prefix that means, like, half-etc.} Met for the first time in a technical school, the panel seems to be the E-10A production Alcatel was the quasi-mail, whatever that means]). So I started to think about the origins of the formation of fog. I shall examine just one case.
This piece I write on Thursday, March 3 - Today in Oslo was a terrible fog. To a certain height. shots from a helicopter showed clear skies and emerging like cucumbers with whipped cream peaks of the surrounding hills. My astute analytical mind associated the press reports of smog (ATTENTION! Smog causes asthma!) And a refreshed knowledge of basic types of smog. This definitely had be the smog of London, because it is highly seasonal and occurs during the inversion temperature (bottom colder than this, so called. putrid higher has a similar origin.) For details, refer even to the Wikipedia.
It should be noted that the Holmenkollen is relatively close to the sea as it certainly has an impact. Sea / Norway = fjords. But not there. In that case let's move just north of Bergen, for example (it does not matter, I folded the city's name phonetically [or even fonicznie] with all the rest). Is the fjord is a kind of bay? The geographic definition that, yes.
Przemieśćmy now turn a little to the west in the Norwegian Sea. What we find there? Crude! Now I have to be proud of: pierced Norway. I used to have oil and the bay in one place. Specifically, the second one. I had a bit powziewać. But since the pool block the nose, such a small dupsem (the toes [name comes from the same organ]) is no longer anything happen there. Inspired me to visit Mrs. botched nose and throat specialist from the clinic on the street. PCK in Katowice, a beautiful modernist building, which will now be restored (a puzzle: it is about Mrs. otolaryngologist if the building?). So much of the impact of oil on world history at the micro and macro scale.
As you can see, without pharmacology, I was able to pick up. But I'm thin. Recently I visited again on the pass route, which was once the areas covered by the rule of Franz Joseph's (do not know why his character is everywhere surrounded by a huge cult;) on the same route I have written a little bit in the episode 008_Składowa_synfazowa, _składowa_kwadraturowa.dpp ). There are podbiegi that from time to time would do something "sztachnąć," but I prefer medicine natural. As the Chinese emperor in 2737 years BC (information from the comic added to the Dilmah tea, the question arises whether, in 2737 BC, was there any other [than the natural] medicine [is probably supposed to be a joke, but it did not understand]). In my case, there were sandwiches.
[Weekly song]
Jermaine Jackson (with the Jackson) decided to marry the daughter of one of the owners of Motown. And because daddy Jackson had had enough of the label, it has been supplanted with Jermaine family ensemble. This team had to change the name of the Jackson 5 on The Jacksons, because this was not the first rights. By the way, moreover, musically reformulated, because the environment has changed much. Jermaine also had to pick a quarrel with the father in law, because in 1984 he changed the label to Arista. But a lot of success plates from which the song rather przypisywałbym week wave of popularity due to the success of the Jackson family of Michael. The rest dośpiewajcie themselves.
Free throw even the Hindu version of the song:
[Indian Music]
Okay it's still a free version performed by kids from the program "Kids Incorporated". The first girl who sings Fergie with the Black Eyed Peas.
[Children's Music]
Today's episode sponsored:
- (out) string pass, which the World Cup in Nordic skiing is obviously not needed (in particular, that the jump in Oslo is the jump dummy)
- Symbicortu duel with the clinic on the street. PCK in Katowice (image from portal resource gazeta.pl)
- duel with mist oslańskiej London smog (smog = smoke (smoke) + fog (fog))
Week 9, with different places
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