... sweet home
Two nights on the road and one day spent in Olsztyn ... to już za nami. Rezonans wykonany. Teraz czekamy na wynik i planujemy podróż do Freiburga.
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w przedziale sypialnym jazda PKP może być przyjemna... |
Igorek był bardzo szczęśliwy, że uczestniczy w „fajnej wycieczce” i „tyle razy jedzie pociągiem”. W Olsztynie byliśmy o 10 rano. Mieliśmy sporo czasu, więc udaliśmy się do kina i wspólnie obejrzeliśmy film pt. „Matka w mackach Marsa”. Potem w drodze do pracowni rezonansu przespacerowaliśmy się po ślicznej olsztyńskiej starówce – w efekcie Igorek był tak zmęczony, że tuż przed badaniem naturalnie zasnął. Wcześniej jeszcze zniósł dzielnie nakłucie żyły i założenie motylka, którym zaaplikowano mu później kontrast. Ten błogosławiony sen, który spadł Igorkowi na oczka, zaoszczędził nam i jemu samemu stresu leżenia w bezruchu przez godzinę – tyle bowiem trwało badanie…
Przemiły personel MRI robił co tylko mógł, aby wszystko przebiegało gładko i sprawnie. No i mogliśmy oczywiście (ponownie) liczyć na miłe towarzystwo i smaczną kawę.
W Olsztynie odczuwam dobrą energię - Albert said, when we came back and pretended Olsztyn promenade at lunch. Now firmly under our noses smiling aunt Camille, from which the skill of "seeing auras and sense the energy to Albert, not once podśmiewał .... And now I feel it. Good sign? Yes!
was March 21-first day of spring, and another day of hope for Igor. For us. Hope that all is well and that it already is ...
waiting for the result and are preparing for the journey to Freiburg ...
But before we go further on the outstanding outing in the mountains - to Koszarawa. With friends and your friends. We gain strength before the next expedition.
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Good Spirit
Before leaving, yet we were able to take part in an event organized by the International Youth Meeting - Annual Meeting of the Good Spirits. The motive for this year's event was a shell ... Each household in the thresholds IYMC receive this humble and cozy cottage snail (and other molluscs), serving as a beautiful natural luster, interior decoration, and even a musical instrument in many peoples seen as a protective talisman before the fire, pointing out the road, guarding against a bad spell and to ensure fertility and prosperity ....
As you know, pearl shells are born .... Meeting House on Sunday night ... These pearls wyławiał IYMC The band shell has presented itself Gaba Kulka - talented singer and pianist of the extremely rich imagination and a fantastic voice!
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Martin for the first concert of David-MOWP |
That evening MDSM also awarded special people ... Real pearls. This year we received a statuette of the Good Spirit, including Martin Boiński. Our
What to write, to write down everything that would have wanted?
friend. High school pal. Musician. Pillar and co-founder of the Little Orchestra of Great Help.
boy with a guitar.
Forever young, charismatic, committed i. .. reflective at the same time. A wise and sensitive. Fantastic
Milka and Veronica's father and devoted husband of the most charming Ani.
man of many talents (now probably ends to create furniture for the kitchen, carpentry course of virtuosity).
organizer of many musical events - not only at Auschwitz. It is not always on stage, the limelight, and the instrument in his hands - often portrayed as the hero of the second plan - the sound engineer who sat for the desktop ... and growing constantly scrolling some cables ...
appears and disappears. As the Spirit.
But there is ... It is always when you need it.
Martin picked up the statuette in the category IYMC - rescuer.
saved and saves many. We also rescued.
saved and saves many. We also rescued.
good that you're a Martin ...
Good Spirit. Be
Page Martin http://www.myspace.com/marcinboinski
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