... again ... Freiburg
drove to Freiburg. The journey lasted about 10 godzin, więc zgodnie z założeniami. Igorek zniósł uciążliwości dzielnie i zaczął „marudkać” dopiero w okolicach Stuttgartu.
Oczywiście trochę po dojeździe błądziliśmy, bo choć jesteśmy szczęśliwymi posiadaczami GPSa, to okazało się, że nasza Gosia mieszka w Au - tuż za miastem i zrobiło się zamieszanie z ulicami. Może to nawet lepiej, bo jak nas już zobaczyła i stwierdziła, że dojechaliśmy szczęśliwie, wydawało się, że nie wypuści nas z ramion.
W czwartek rozpoczęliśmy dzień od wizyty w klinice. Jeszcze w korytarzu, spotkaliśmy prof. Kontnego that despite the fact that he drove somewhere, he had a "passing" to tell us how it will look like our "schedule".
Igorkowi done preliminary studies and sets the date of PET for tomorrow (Friday) at noon. 8.00. After that initial consultation, and on Friday we should know the initial assessment of doctors. Professor in the Department visited us in the afternoon and we spent a lot of time. He was very nice, told me exactly. Igor looks like the status and told us one very important thing ...
When we were here before, Udo Kontny had told the us that the most important and groundbreaking is the first year after an illness. He said that after this period, with each passing day the chances of survival are growing child. Later at home, we wondered with Monica as the years count? Is the end of intravenous chemotherapy, or after the end of the tablet? It bothered us greatly, and of course to take this opportunity, we asked for a professor. It turned out that this year is counted from the day .... the diagnosis. So ... is behind us :):):). And now every day will be only better. Tomorrow, the PET, it will be only confirmed. Keep your fingers crossed!!
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