[ Song Week: Bean - Vitamins for boy and girl (198x)]
best joke is that both species belong to cabbage (Brussels sprouts are basically miniature cabbage traditional [ie, HEADED]). Therefore, under the impression that biological innovations in my head, the skies among the Wroclaw factory district, vanished from the beginning of the big admiration for the grocery store salesperson, who patiently endured by a modest definition of a client of the Brussels sprouts frozen as frozen broccoli. In fact, this patient also eventually ended. Perhaps the lady behind the counter knew anything more about the lady on the other side of the barricade of money? Perhaps it was a biology professor?
The above scene from Wroclaw przedpołudniowego a leaven in the main section of my thoughts. A few minutes sequence of exchanges in spożywczaku meant that the seemingly incompatible poskładałem blocks (or puzzle from the sea and forest landscapes at the same time [I do not recommend liquid to the toilet with the scent of the forest: for sure this is not my favorite smell of pine, or any other well-known forest my nostrils]).
In fact, anywhere in the EU (especially in the Schengen area) you can feel at ease. I will not move the risky theory ubiegunnienia centralizing zwanych czasami postępującą centralizacją wraz z równolegle postępującą decentralizacją (w końcu po co ekipa Gierka "narzeźbiła" aż 49 województw?). Nie umiem tylko zrozumieć, dlaczego na tablicach rejestracyjnych w jednym z fragmentów naszego imperium (pod wezwaniem zgrubienia jednego z tytułowych warzyw), zamiast skrótu państwa widnieje angielski kot (słowo, choć kot James byłby tam równie absurdalny).
Przenosząc się w bardziej realne (w istocie auchanowo-cerrefourowe [chodzi o udział w rynku lokalnym]) kręgi dodam, że istnieje kilka metod rozróżnienia in which the regions of Spain we are. One of the core is the pronunciation of the letter X:
- hear something like "sh" are somewhere within the broader Catalonia (and the rest of the master ask ya Szpakowski: how to read and Xavi and Puyol are Puziol)
- hear "t" (or Such lisping s) are in Galicia, which is the main tourist resort of San Xenxo (pronounced San Siensio or San Senso [it's the perversion zakrawa])
- the rest of the kingdom is a standard "Father" (minibus driver once told me that his vehicle najstandardniejszy is [that is probably the most standard, although such a thing to interpret ...])
Walkthrough (ble! what a word): The thickness of each layer immediately after opening the newspaper kiosk. In Poland's longest river is the dividing line between the mostly influenced by the various political factions. In Spain, the donut pattern spaces (it is irrelevant whether with poppy or sesame, or novelty: the past due cheese). Inside the voting mostly on party A, while outside the party B. Of course, it looks like this newspaper that sympathizes with the AA party A, while the party newspaper BB B and on this basis, the newsagent adjust supply to the needs of readers.
The third method is based on the kitchen (or kitchen, which is even more absurd [ ¿ Cocina de gas with cocina eléctrica?]). About this you can write a whole book, so it smooths on saying no. I recently tasted a drink called the Polish tiger. You may prepare it on your own (For your own cup) and I take the relationship. Along with the extravagant, as on a school trip, cereals with milk and a perfect broth without seasoning in the form of a cube broth, it will be a great escape from regulatory activity diet last week.
A month and a day before the seventh anniversary of the graduation carry proof (not by me but by fate, not the mathematics, and Polish) that there are topics anniversary (in this context we are talking about the anniversary of zero) to prove that diversity many of the regions making up one family does not require a stand with legs apart. This same otherwise tightly stretched himself in the company of colleagues przemiłych (still feel pain in my abdominal muscles.) The same as proof of my carelessness also shows the different kinds of anniversary, because even though I chose that theme is seven years less one month and the day is missing my chance to improve.
[Weekly song ]
Children do not mention anything either about brussels sprouts, broccoli or about. However, recall the name Boniek. If among the then 10-year-olds were so much talent is where are these potential successes in recent years? Other potential forever. The song like most czasie.W era of obesity are waiting for more propaganda songs about nutrition. I'm going to run, to have "dziarską Wink").
Today's episode sponsored:
- (1, 1, 2, 60, 360360, 219060189739591200, 1749342047920660916901891145781670987072592322134428432000 ,...) Catalan numbers, I do not know what's going on, reading: http:// oeis.org/A078491
- No. 515902 of the profession " Classification of Occupations and Specialties: Employee protect property and persons
- Cat James:
- and (possibly) his favorite dishes from the frozen food (apart from the company):
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