Children are divided into pure and ... happy |
These messages are like honey on our hearts ... I hope there were as many as possible.
I ; these prizes, who give hope to others that can beat cancer.
I ; these prizes, who give hope to others that can beat cancer.
All those who have done so can be "counted." Let's do it here: http://www.policzmysie.pl/
I talked with Dr. med.Andrzejem Sobieraj. He inspected the plates of the research Igorka - nothing has changed. In this case ruled out the operation. He recommended observation. May 9 will be further consulted on this matter with the professor. Andrew Kukwą.
Mailuję with Mrs. Valentina Balwierz professor. April 29 we have agreed upon oncology clinic visit and then probably we will plan for further checks. Yesterday
morphology Igor - almost perfect!
relationship with the Third Congress of Polish Oncology. Panel Fri "Nothing about us without us-solid partnership."
In Poland, the Partnership still has no speech therapy. Maybe it's because we only have 511 oncologists in the country and do not have time to talk or perhaps because for years doctors are accustomed, as they say and you listen. And zero discussion.
do not like those who seek, examine, consult the other sites, look at your hands. Why?! After all, we operate in a band. We have one common goal - to cure! For some people - raise the stakes tests, for others - to win the cancer! Observe life, peace, hope ...
Parent, the patient - are partners. Not enemies. Often know more about the disease than the experts .... Especially today - in the era of unfettered access to information.
When Janosz received a diagnosis - Autism - przewertowaliśmy Internet and we read everything we could read. Parents on foot translated foreign publications.
We have entrusted to the facilities and therapies. We sent urine for testing to the U.S.. We brought the attending physician according to protocol DAN from Italy, because in Poland there was no such time. From the beginning włączaliśmy actively in treatment of the child. We went to the Cabinet, "ABC" to Krakow for the treatment of "our Eli" and organizing a mini-volunteering with Dream and Aga - have worked with him at home. Our knowledge was greater than more than one specialist, for whom did get. Do not forget the lady psychiatrist from the hospital in Ligota which recommended Janoszowi .... kindergarten and vitamins. What to know about autism?
then was a desert, today we have almost Eldorado. Today Janosz goes on to address Sensory Integration Ola - in our neighborhood, and the DAN doctor in Tychy - almost for copper.
Times change and people like that do not recognize ... Parents are often the best doctors for their children. Capture errors, searching for new solutions. They must be partners. But this partnership still fashionable topic for discussion on oncology congresses. The reality is far different.
Agatha decided to consult the case of Sandra. Treatment was already at the finish, and prospects are unexciting. She took matters into their own hands. She did what you recommend in the West - has consulted in a different medium. She chose France.
French physician, Sandra looked at the documentation stated that the diagnosis is incorrect. - It can not be medulloblastoma. If it were a little medulloblastoma no longer with us that there was no - he said.
Agatha drove in a slice of the tumor board to re-test. It turned out that it is .... meningioma. III level.
Another diagnosis, different treatment protocol. Small
previously took huge doses of radiation, the most powerful chemistry .... Did she have? Agatha never know.
Who will take responsibility for this error?
Who will take responsibility for this error?
You can double-check portion of the tumor at the expense of the state. Keep checking! Make sure that the diagnosis is properly. Do not trust blindly. Depends on the choice of the treatment program and the chances of your child on the way out of the disease. Discuss
always and at every stage. Also during the same diagnosis.
You can double-check portion of the tumor at the expense of the state. Keep checking! Make sure that the diagnosis is properly. Do not trust blindly. Depends on the choice of the treatment program and the chances of your child on the way out of the disease. Discuss
always and at every stage. Also during the same diagnosis.
It's your right.
life is at stake.
are dozens of varieties of cancer. Necessarily oncologist specializes in treating this particular, to your child. But you-you must!
are dozens of varieties of cancer. Necessarily oncologist specializes in treating this particular, to your child. But you-you must!
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