Igor with Gosia |
It was a wonderful holiday. Spent with family, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps most importantly, spent together by our family. Finally we had some time to yourself. Igor behaved like a real terrorist requiring all future visitors to sacrifice him 100% attention. There were those who were able to resist, so he had paradise.
As the first, even before Christmas came to us Goshia Kern, which has traditionally accompanied every step of the 1000 smiles. Of course, we are abandoning gifts and everyone got something, what made him great joy. For Monica were cosmetics, Janoszka logical for a toy for me, raw ham and a few packages for Igor organic food straight from Freiburg. Naturally we were delighted. Most of how much Gosia was anxious that to make us fun. We also visited godmother Janoszka - Barry with his son Dawidkiem, which is a favorite companion Igor. She was also godmother Igor - Camilla, with her "Man" Pillows and mother, our favorite aunt Ela. She was, of course, Johnny's grandmother.
The star of the culinary art "did" Monica. Since we're already three weeks diet (we have time to deal with some of you) in my wife woke up talent, which I would never have happened when it did not expect. Spent most of his time in the kitchen, pichcąc various dishes, pies, shortcake, cakes and other delicacies, all of which were in line with the diet, Dr. Pierre Thread. Regret, that you can not try everything, because although these specialties are based at best on the bran, and corn starch are authentic delicacies. Even such a food lover like me, thanks to doing what my wife is able to dieters stand with dignity. Igor Janoszek
and are still radiant and smiling. Live issues that are natural to their age and we will be happy to help them with this difficult reality of what surrounds them, to endure. In the end, it is not easy to have five or ten years in the modern world. You have to deal with different challenges and completely irrational expectations of parents. Ot, for example, recently Janoszek Permanently lying. And it is for us, on the one hand it is obviously a problem, but the other reason for great joy. Children with the disorder autistic, who know how to lie, are rare. Assessing ways to "combine" our baby, we estimate that it is getting better. Paranoid, doing our child, may shed a bit specific, but still honey, our hearts:). Igor also lie, but just in this "phenomenon" has nothing nadzwyczjnego:). Play Station One-day separation from the TV special had changed their attitude to life in harmony with the truth. It is not good, because I'm running a motivational tool ...:)
this week awaits us in Prokocim inspection visit and shortly after a visit with a specialist from Janoszkiem autism and its derivatives. It will be good and getting better. Yours poświątecznie.
A small portion of our Christmas, "Dialogues on four legs," you can see below.
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